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Forum » Chew The Fat » Photog Smurf
What is the history of Photog Smurf? His origin. Where does he come from? How does he live? How does he think? How does he feel? Seriously. (Both fictionally, and as a mascot)


History as a mascot: I joined the legion of X-Entertainment fanatics sometime around 2003 I think. At that time, there was one thing on all the minds of Matt C's followers... tracking down the elusive Nathan Bitner, creator of Fearless Photog. The post on X-E is gone now (X-E itself is "down for repairs" in perpetuity, since Matt started up his new site But that post garnered over 2,000 comments!!! The whole story of it can be read in a nice little article over at RetroJunk, which includes a Photog redesign image I worked on at the end of the article (used without my permission or knowledge, but eh... no biggie).

I knew of Photog because I entered the same Masters of the Universe Magazine Create-A-Character Contest as Nathan (and still recall the design of the figure I submitted... a mish-mash of Transformers G1 Shockwave and MOTU Zodac). I remember cracking open the newest issue of MOTU magazine, anxious to see if I had won. When I saw Photog for the first time, I was so angry that such a stupid creation would be declared the winner. "Seriously? A guy with a camera head?" I was disgusted about it for years. Many, many years.

Fast forward to the 2010's... Mattel starts manufacturing Masters of the Universe figures once more, and they are including lots and lots of characters that never got the plastic treatment before! One of those rumored to be made is Fearless Photog! The contest in the early 80's declared that the winner would get his figure made and sold within the MOTU line. Something that never happened. Now, here, 30 years out, they were actually hinting at living up to their word at long last.

I went from being a Photog hater, to his biggest fan. Nathan Bitner was me... he was all of us. Kids with a dream. Growing up, starting a family, suffering through the trials of life. And finally, he was going to see a promise from decades before be kept. I bought 10 Fearless Photog figures when it was finally released. It is my favorite figure in the new line (Roboto was my favorite of the original line, hence my new avatar). Photog is the everyman's (everykid's) figure. Created by a kid, for kids. He represents my youth. 

After Photog's figure debut, and got to interview Nathan himself to get his reaction to everything. It can be read here.

Photog Smurf came about when I was putting Photog's head on all kinds of different things, just for laughs.  I liked the idea of Photog Smurf so much, I started using it for all sorts of things... including a mascot for this site.

One final note: Mattel celebrated the anniversary of the line by launching a SECOND Create-A-Character contest online. I once again entered a design... and once again lost. 

"Seriously? A guy that looks like Castle Grayskull?"

History as a fictional character: Photog Smurf was the result of a botched Gargamel experiment. Gargamel was hoping to catch a Smurf and use a spell on it to "see" through it's eyes where the Smurf village was hiding. Instead, the Smurf became a camera-headed monstrosity. Sure, Gargamel could "see" what it was seeing... if it took a picture.

The Smurf was eventually saved and returned to the village. Papa Smurf offered to concoct a spell to return the Smurf to his original form, but the Smurf refused. He enjoyed the ability to zoom in on Smurfette from afar in her bedro... er, to... watch birds from afar. Yeah. Birds.

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Man. This is great! All of this! Thank you for the insight. He's always there..just there..staring at me through his single lens eye. And I finally know why. Intriguing, entertaining, and informative. I was into He-Man when I was far too young to read, so I never knew of this "fearless photog." I was completely at a loss. Thank you for relieving me of my ignorance.
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I attend a support group for entrants who lost that contest on Tuesday nights at 7. We pass around a Yak face action figure while venting and get coffee afterwards.
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Sweet V. I would attend but my Tuesdays are already filled by my Rubiks Cube Sticker Removers and E.T. The Game Buyers support groups.
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Wouldn't that be just amazing if such things really existed? I would totally be down for meeting at the local community college's basement to wax nostalgic about NES for college credits or community service hours.
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vkimo wrote :

Wouldn't that be just amazing if such things really existed? I would totally be down for meeting at the local community college's basement to wax nostalgic about NES for college credits or community service hours.
-end quote
It'd likely be more educational that what most kids are learning these days in college.
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I wanna see what other 80s icons look like with photog smurf's head.
hmm...anybody smell potential for a contest?
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The women of New Vegas ask me a lot if there's a Mrs. New Vegas. Well, of course there is! You're her. And you're still just as perfect as the day we met.
Some of the more memorable Photog head applications I goofed around with...

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