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Displaying 28621-28630 of 49034 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
21203Last Movie You WatchedTiny Toon Adventures: How I Spent My Vacation<br><br>Summer just doesn't feel complete without watching this. It's a childhood fave of mine. I watched this to death as a kid!<br><br>5 stars.<br>Mr MagicJun 08, 2015View
21202Video Game Hall of FamePersons, places, things, and maybe even events. Man... that's a lot to choose from. :lol:<br><br>Some of my suggestions will be Godzilla, Pac-Man, John Hughes, and uh... Masters of the Universe. <br><br>Also TGIF and Garbage Pail Kids.<br>Vaporman87Jun 08, 2015View
21201How was your day?It's too early for me even begin to understand what you're saying PeZZ. :lol: Maybe when I've been awake for a while my brain will start working.<br>Vaporman87Jun 08, 2015View
21200Video Game Hall of Fame<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> So I read earlier today. Thinking we experts should found the Retro Hall of Fame. First inductees anyone?&nbsp;</i></blockquote><blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><i></i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Retro in what sense, just overall what old-fashioned things should be enshrined?shakin steakJun 08, 2015View
21199How was your day?there is one more detail that i left out, when people grow up in the american dream it molds our social masks in such a way that we see and perceive reality in such a way that makes us feel comfortable and people who grew up in other parts of the world don't have that comfortable point of view and that is why they have a hard time coping with people abroad, "in other words" they see the world differently and they don't feel comfortable working with other people for long periods of time, just imagine what the united states would come to if everybody threw away their social mask because the major secret is that the social mask acts as an energy and pressure shield from the people that are around you.<br>PeZZ!Jun 08, 2015View
21198Last Movie You Watched<blockquote rel="thecrow174"><b>thecrow174 wrote :</b><br><i> Sin City<br><br>Stylish, suspenseful, funny, brutal, and weird.<br><br>4 stars.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I love that movie, it got me back into comic books.&nbsp;echidna64Jun 08, 2015View
21197How was your day?today i learned a lot about how people cling to reality and how our social masks keep us to be able to work with other people so that we can all make the world a little better and a little more enjoyable at the same time but i also learned the irony of the modern way of life revolving around the social mask, the irony is that we continue to mooch the earth of it's resources and although it benefits us in the short run but in the long run it dis-benefits the earth and i discovered that what people call the american dream is exactly what has in an odd twisted sort of way has been the reason why so many people that come to america in seach of a better life have low self esteem and it's one of the major reasons why so many people have a hard time finding jobs, it is because they grew up in a part of the world where the standard of living was much lower and therefore they assume lower expectations of themselves when they search for jobs and in a way it has corrupted the minds of people that grew up in the american dream because they are not taught very much about the lower standards of living in other parts of the world and when people meet people from other parts of the world they have a hard time understanding why those people lack so much in computer skills and they wonder why those peoples mode of thinking seems so old fashioned.<br><br>what i am saying is the modern way of life has indeed benefited us alot because people have developed major comfort zones but at the same time it has numbed our minds to the point where people just cannot comprehend the old fashioned way of life.<br>PeZZ!Jun 07, 2015View
21196Last Movie You WatchedSin City<br><br>Stylish, suspenseful, funny, brutal, and weird.<br><br>4 stars.<br>Mr MagicJun 07, 2015View
21195What song are you listening to?Geto Boys - AssassinsJrs1991Jun 07, 2015View
21194How was your day?Ya gotta do something to keep the place cool.<br><br>It was around 91 degrees yesterday, but there's plenty of dark clouds in the sky right now. Hopin' for rain!<br>Mr MagicJun 07, 2015View