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Displaying 28411-28420 of 49034 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
21419How was your day?That's what any parent wants to see.<br>Mr MagicJun 16, 2015View
21418Last Movie You WatchedWell, shakin steak, you've convinced me to watch Heroes of Shaolin. I liked it a lot! I really liked the kung fu action. It was nothing short of impressive. The story wasn't bad either.<br>Mr MagicJun 16, 2015View
21417How was your day?Man... today is my second son's 5th birthday. Can't believe how time goes by. But I'm very glad to be able to see them grow up. Very blessed. Nothing in life is more rewarding than seeing your kids grow and live life.<br>Vaporman87Jun 16, 2015View
21416Last Movie You WatchedGoing to catch Jurassic World tomorrow afternoon.<br>Vaporman87Jun 16, 2015View
21415Last Movie You WatchedIn &amp; Out (1997)<div><br></div><div>8/10 Great Movie .This was a lot of fun</div>Jrs1991Jun 16, 2015View
21414Last Movie You WatchedThe choreography of Heroes of Shaolin is very good and I think the story is above average for the genre. Worth a re-watch IMO so keep your eye out for it. In looking for info about it, I saw that it's included on some PD collections, and may go by a couple of alternate titles.shakin steakJun 16, 2015View
21413RIP Christopher Lee and Dusty RhodesDusty and Sapphire are together again.<br><br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>Mr MagicJun 16, 2015View
21412Steven Spielberg is thinking about producing another Jurassic ParkThe console version has two player drop-in and drop-out coop, but the handheld version doesn't have any multiplayer.&nbsp; I think the Wii U version puts one player on the gamepad, the other on the tv.&nbsp; The PS3 and PS4 are split-screen.<br>AjimboJun 15, 2015View
21411Steven Spielberg is thinking about producing another Jurassic ParkI understand Sam Neill (Dr. Alan Grant) won't be in this one. He could've at least made a cameo.<br>Mr MagicJun 15, 2015View
21410Steven Spielberg is thinking about producing another Jurassic Park<blockquote rel="Ajimbo"><b>Ajimbo wrote :</b><i><br>The Lego Jurassic World game is good.&nbsp; It follows all 4 movies, you can explore the islands, and you can play as almost every character and dinosaur.&nbsp; They use the original audio from the movies as much as they can, but the sound quality dips because of the age of the audio clips.&nbsp; They do good job of making each movie feel distinct and true to the source while balancing the Lego humor.&nbsp; If you're a fan of Lego games or Jurassic Park, I would recommend the game or check out some gameplay footage at least.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Cool. Thanks Ajimbo. I was thinking pretty seriously of getting the game, but this helps make that decision that much easier. What about multiplayer? Is there any?Vaporman87Jun 15, 2015View