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Displaying 28301-28310 of 49034 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
21529Random Pictures Thread<div>For your health!</div><div><br></div><img "="" src="/images/postImages/1435038828dingus.png">jkatzJun 23, 2015View
21528Now I'm hereI've never met you before, but hi.jkatzJun 23, 2015View
21527Movies that NEED a sequelI think I remember hearing something about Dredd getting a kickstarter-funded sequel.<div><br></div><div>Am I the only one who kinda wants a Big Lebowski follow up? I like to imagine that nothing would change for the characters after all these years lol.</div>jkatzJun 23, 2015View
21526Movies that NEED a sequelCommando<br><br><br>Mr MagicJun 23, 2015View
21525Movies that NEED a sequel<span style="font-style: normal;">Totally agree with Debris Storm regarding </span><span style="font-style: italic;">Dredd</span>. Talk about a movie that deserved more.<div style="font-style: normal;"><br></div><div><span style="font-style: normal;">I'm on the fence. I love so many movies that don't have sequels, but I'd be concerned that sequel would ruin my view of the first film. (Looking at you </span><span style="font-style: italic;">Matrix</span>)</div><div style="font-style: normal;"><br></div><div><span style="font-style: normal;">I guess in a way, I'd like to see where characters go in the future. Like I always wondered what happened to Cole Trickle and Rowdy Burns post </span><span style="font-style: italic;">Days of Thunder</span>. I also have a deep love for the<span style="font-style: italic;"> American Pie</span> franchise, and I'd love to learn about the character's future, but I don't think another movie is a wise idea.</div><div><br></div><div>I guess the only other movie than <span style="font-style: italic;">Dredd</span>, that I really wish had a sequel was <span style="font-style: italic;">Fanboys</span>. I really wished they would have made a franchise out of that covering the prequel films.</div><div style="font-style: normal;"><br></div><div style="font-style: normal;"><br></div>massrealityJun 23, 2015View
21524Now I'm hereWelcome Ace!massrealityJun 23, 2015View
21523Random Pictures Thread<img width="300" height="300" src="/images/postImages/1435024433InstagramCapture_4d104e75-b7c9-4286-8e3d-a8613945525a.jpg">DebrisStormJun 23, 2015View
21522Marvel's Ant-ManReally looking forward to this. Its the start of Phase 3 for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I never thought that Paul Rudd would be able to pull this off, but everything I've seen I've loved.DebrisStormJun 23, 2015View
21521Movies that NEED a sequelDredd. Hellboy 3. I have a list.DebrisStormJun 23, 2015View
21520Now I'm hereWelcome to Mulligan's Valley!<br>vkimoJun 23, 2015View