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Displaying 2821-2830 of 48975 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
47676Your avatar.<p>Kyle&#39;s Chewbacca costume in the South Park Halloween episode &quot;Pinkeye&quot;</p> Mr MagicJul 03, 2021View
47675Independence Day (NOT The Movie)<p>Hope you all have a great Independence Day weekend!</p> Vaporman87Jul 03, 2021View
47674The Patrick Star Show<p>Part of me feels like this&#39;ll get just 2 seasons.</p> Mr MagicJul 02, 2021View
47673The Patrick Star Show<p>i doubt i&#39;ll even be watching, really. i feel like this is one of those instances where stephen hillenburg didn&#39;t want this to happen and it&#39;s just nickelodeon milking the series for its worth. spongebob squarepants was supposed to be considered &quot;the last 2D nicktoon&quot; and something tells me that this will take over that show soon enough. the kids of this generation will love it i&#39;m sure, i&#39;m just seeing cashgrab written all over this.</p> BenjanimeJul 02, 2021View
47672The Patrick Star Show<p>And once Patrick see his parents again, will he even recognize them? lol</p> Mr MagicJul 02, 2021View
47671Publishing<p>Thanks for the offer of assistance, echidna. Could always use several sets of eyes on the thing before moving ahead to catch any mistakes or inconsistencies.</p> <p>Like Anthony said, I wouldn&#39;t want to really on Amazon exclusively when there are several avenues out there. I think Barnes &amp; Noble have their own platform for example.</p> <blockquote rel="echidna64" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>echidna64 wrote :</strong> <p><em>Thank you guys for the input! I&#39;m wondering if Amazon would be a good choice or if there are better publishing options out there.</em></p> <em> </em> <p><em>Likewise, if I can help in anyway with your novel please let know. I&#39;m an English teacher by day lol</em></p> <em> </em><strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Jul 02, 2021View
47670Publishing<p>Oh nice, I also teach English.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Amazon is a good choice for self-publishing, but really, when self-publishing, you don&#39;t have to limit yourself to *only* Amazon.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> I dabbled with self publishing briefly many years ago, and I don&#39;t remember the specifics, but if you go that route there are&nbsp;plenty of resources online. I always recommend people invest in an editor and cover artist, maybe even someone who does interior design professionally as well. Though, with a short story, you can probably do it all yourself first to get a feel for it.&nbsp;</p> oniparJul 02, 2021View
47669Publishing<p>Thank you guys for the input! I&#39;m wondering if Amazon would be a good choice or if there are better publishing options out there.</p> <p>Likewise, if I can help in anyway with your novel please let know. I&#39;m an English teacher by day lol</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> echidna64Jul 02, 2021View
47668Publishing<p>With something like a short story, I&#39;d say your only real option is to submit it to magazines for publication. Generally speaking you won&#39;t be able to query agents or book publishers without a completed novella to novel length submission.<br /> <br /> If you&#39;re just starting out, I&#39;d also suggest you temper your expectations a little, because the publishing world is hard, and even seasoned writers can expect to receive numerous rejections throughout any submission process. In that&nbsp;vein, I&#39;d recommend joining a critique group online as well. Someplace you can share your work and get advice as you navigate the crazy world of publishing.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> The options Vaporman outlined are also available to you, but probably not until you have a screenplay, novel, novella, or something of substantial length. Technically of course, you can self-publish a short story if you so choose.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Another option too is to approach indie filmmakers with your story and see if they have any interest.&nbsp;I almost had one of my short stories made into a short indie film (it was all but completed) before hitting a roadblock and scrapping the whole thing.</p> oniparJul 02, 2021View
47667The Patrick Star Show<p>one of the users i follow on youtube actually recently did their own parody :lol:</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" width="560"></iframe></p> BenjanimeJul 02, 2021View