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Displaying 28281-28290 of 49034 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
21549Now I'm hereHi... welcome to my forum. Beware of Wallmasters. <img src="">blueluigiJun 24, 2015View
21548Drive-InsI'm thankful that I still have a local drive-in. At least for the time being. (One of two closed to years bought the lot) It is so wonderful, to me, that my daughter loves it just as much as I did, and still do. Almost all of my favorite movie memories took place at the drive in. Batman, Batman Returns, the Flintstones.. I would always set up two chairs, one for my feet, wrap up in a blanket, and tune my boombox to the station. Always in the slot adjacent to my parents car. My own little spot.&nbsp;fuschniktJun 24, 2015View
21547Retro Summertime SongsIt's 1983 at Lake Tahoe. Parked up on the shore in my 77 Chevy Cheyenne, tailgate down, laying in the bed with Jenny Sanders under my arm. 4th of July fireworks bursting over the water and I just lost my virginity. Got work in the morning at the drive in just outside of town but don't I wish I didn't make that all up.<br><br><br><object height="381" width="475"><param value=";showsearch=0&amp;rel=0&amp;fs=1&amp;autoplay=0&amp;ap=%2526fmt%3D18" name="movie"><param value="window" name="wmode"><param value="true" name="allowFullScreen"><embed wmode="window" allowfullscreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=";showsearch=0&amp;fs=1&amp;rel=0&amp;autoplay=0&amp;ap=%2526fmt%3D18" height="381" width="475"></object><br><a href="" target="_blank">View on YouTube</a>vkimoJun 24, 2015View
21546Last Movie You WatchedThe Kingdom<br><br>A good movie about U.S. government agents taking on terrorists in Saudi Arabia.<br><br>3 stars.<br>Mr MagicJun 24, 2015View
21545James Horner dies in plane crash.James Horner will definitely be mentioned in the Oscars In Memoriam next year. My prediction is that Mr. Horner will be the last person in the montage and then they'll have Celine Dion sing "My Heart Will Go On", which won Mr. Horner one of his two Oscars (He did the music, Will Jennings did the lyrics). Personally, I would prefer for this song that was also co-written by Mr. Horner to accompany the In Memoriam. It's "If We Hold On Together" from "The Land Before Time": <a href="http://"></a><br>Caps 2.0Jun 23, 2015View
21544Drive-InsI remember going to a few as a kid but unfortunately most of the drive-ins from back then are gone. One was torn down to put in yet another wal-mart and the other became a parking lot for some construction company. The others I either forget where they are or they're a zillion miles away. Just as well it's kind of awkward trying to get it on with your girlfriend when there's a rusted out 1990 Dodge Caravan full of some welfare skank and her brood of crotchfruits staring at you in the next spot over. &nbsp;DirtyD79Jun 23, 2015View
21543Favorite cars of the 80'sFor me my favorite cars were the personal luxury cars, things like the Ford Thunderbird, The Mercury Cougar, and The Chevy Monte Carlo. They had a style that you just don't see anymore and pretty good performance. Those were the cars you saw in NASCAR back in the 80s. I also liked the sports cars like the fox body Ford Mustangs as well as the IROC-Z Camaros and the Pontiac Firebirds. And i liked the 2 door SUVs like the Ford Bronco, the Chevy Blazer, and Dodge RamCharger. Sure a lot of the cars didn't have &nbsp;the same horsepower as the vaunted 1960s and 1970s muscle cars but what they lacked in horsepower they made up for with style. Today too many cars are boring bland transportation appliances or soccermom vans.DirtyD79Jun 23, 2015View
21542I realized something todayYeah. People want to think that meat magically appears in a styrofoam tray wrapped in plastic. I have actually heard people say that they don't want to know about it. I think it's a big sign of what's wrong with our society. We avoid empathy for other living things, the reality of nature and our bodies, and the difference between processed and unprocessed food. Some people are so sanitized that they can't experience anything or allow kids to either. I believe this actually makes us less respectful and compassionate. Despite the apparent effort otherwise I think it is self-defeating in the long run. <br><br>I put my money where my mouth is. I was involved with the killing and butchering of a goat once, and I would do it again. Did the goat understand when I thanked it before a bullet went through its head? Highly doubtful. We talked later about how we could see when it gave up. The guy who pulled the trigger didn't want to miss. Immediate death was, we hoped, more merciful than a wound that doesn't kill and then a second, fatal hit. So that goat struggled against his ties for a while, then stopped. But I choose sustenance over suicide. And he lived a much better life than any creature bred in a CAFO, where most of our meat in USA comes from. Since learning about those, I have reduced my consumption. There is research into growing meat replacements in a lab. It's all about the taste for me and I will be happy if we can stop clearcutting rainforests and wasting water.<br><br>By the way, we are now learning that plants experience pain too. They don't have faces and we don't see them walk around, but they feel. I for one am very interested to hear more about this and to what degree plants can be considered sentient.<br>shakin steakJun 23, 2015View
21541Marvel's Ant-ManI have mixed feelings about this movie. Mainly because it was written by Adam McKay, writer of such great superhero action films as... Talladega Nights??? Anchorman??? Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie???<br><br>Yeah. I'm skeptical. <br>Vaporman87Jun 23, 2015View
21540James Horner dies in plane crash.Ahhh... that's lousy.<br><br>Horner was a really great composer. I loved his soundtracks. His Aliens score made my <a href="">Top 10 Most Foreboding Movie (&amp; TV) Theme Songs</a> article over at RetroJunk.<br><br>He'll be missed.<br>Vaporman87Jun 23, 2015View