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Displaying 28201-28210 of 49034 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
21632Last Movie You WatchedOuija. Man that movie was crap.DebrisStormJun 27, 2015View
21631What other Star Wars games deserve remakes?knights of the old republic, perhaps? that game's got positive feedback written all over it.<br>BenjanimeJun 27, 2015View
21630Last Movie You WatchedMad Max Fury Road.<br><br>Now I know what Chidz meant. This movie is flawless for what it is. Non stop, outrageous action from beginning to end. This is the epitome of what a remake/reboot/pinface should be.<br><br>4/5 <br>vkimoJun 27, 2015View
21629RIP Dick Van PattenR.I.P.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Yeah He was good in spaceballs</div>Jrs1991Jun 27, 2015View
21628You Know My Name. Say it!<img src="/images/postImages/1435359264giphy.gif">echidna64Jun 26, 2015View
21627How was your day?Have a good weekend, everyone.<br><br>And Ben, good luck with that computer situation.<br>Mr MagicJun 26, 2015View
21626How was your day?I would imagine so. Installing Linux on a PSP is a much bigger challenge than installing it on a standard Laptop. That's a whole different beast. I'm sure Sony designed the system to make it harder for that sort of thing to happen. However when it comes to a standard laptop all you'd literally need to do is insert the install disc, boot from disc, follow the prompts, let the installation run, and boom you're done.Linux_SageJun 26, 2015View
21625James Horner dies in plane crash.He was good with steel drums.<br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>Mr MagicJun 26, 2015View
21624How was your day?@vaporman87 i just might ;) i'll see what kind of stuff churns inside the creativity bin of my brain.<br><br>@linux_sage i'd rather have an expert do that for me. i tried doing a linux install on an old psp and i left something out on the installation and my psp started making some crackling sound. i thought it was gonna explode.<br>BenjanimeJun 26, 2015View
21623You Know My Name. Say it!Which name? Nick? I think that's what it was. Memory's fuzzy.<br>Linux_SageJun 26, 2015View