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Displaying 28021-28030 of 49033 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
21815Random Pictures Threadmy mom loves minions, maybe i'll surprise her with a box xD<br>BenjanimeJul 06, 2015View
21814Horror in the 80'sThanks for the welcome! &nbsp;Yeah, you know, I actually just found Faces of Death 1 and 3 on VHS at a yard sale this weekend. &nbsp;Plus an NES with 21 games. &nbsp;Pretty sweet scores. &nbsp;I do yard sale video for my youtube channel: &nbsp; &nbsp;Forgot to post that. &nbsp;oniparJul 06, 2015View
21813Scream series.Just like the Teen Wolf series, this could drag on for years.<br>Mr MagicJul 05, 2015View
21812Scream series.I'm so glad I skipped this. I had a sneaking suspicion it was going to suck.massrealityJul 05, 2015View
21811Twitter?I just recently returned to Twitter (like this week). You can find me @MyersWritesmassrealityJul 05, 2015View
21810Horror in the 80'sHey Tony,<div>Welcome to Retro-Daze. I'm also a big 80's horror fan. It looks like you've got a ton of content on your page. I look forward to digging through all of it.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Brandon</div>massrealityJul 05, 2015View
21809Last Movie You WatchedThe Raid 2<br><br>I love this scene!<br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe><br><br>Of course, this is just a sample. There was a lot more of the mud fight.<br><br>4 stars.<br>Mr MagicJul 05, 2015View
21808Horror in the 80'sWelcome to our humble abode.<br><br>I enjoy 80s horror too. Very much. <br>Mr MagicJul 05, 2015View
21807Twitter?Admittedly, I don't use twitter very much (except as a way to repost content from my Facebook page), but my handle is @AnthonyJRapino<div><br></div><div>Cheers!</div>oniparJul 05, 2015View
21806Random Pictures ThreadI had this today.<br><br><img style="width: 544px; height: 705px;" src="/images/postImages/1436104186011.jpg"><br>Mr MagicJul 05, 2015View