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Displaying 27901-27910 of 49032 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
21935Defunct Toy CompaniesThe made Cardcaptors dolls, and the ever popular and highly collectable Star Castles. <br>pikachuloverJul 10, 2015View
21934Article LengthI wholly agree w/ @vkimo. &nbsp;When people's personal memories are included in their articles, it grabs and holds my attention so much more. &nbsp;I highly suggest including your personal memories in your article instead of just a straight review.<div><br></div>mickyarberJul 10, 2015View
21933Action movie starsI got a small Resident Evil film compilation with the first 3 films.<br>Mr MagicJul 10, 2015View
21932Ghostbusters RebootEvery time I hear information or see pictures, it sounds like its either a parody or a fan film. I want to like this movie. Ghostbusters were my first love, but man does this seem like a bad idea. I don't mind the female team, I just wish it was different females and a different director.<div><br></div><div>The way I see it, you either go back and remake the first film (use a female team if desired) and stay true to it. Or you remake the film in a whole new and improved way, and make it your own. Redesign everything with subtle nods to the original. This sort of straddling the middle just doesn't seem like its going to work. I really hope I'm wrong.&nbsp;</div>massrealityJul 10, 2015View
21931How was your day?meanwhile it's just overcast and muggy in virginia. I need to go for a swim sometime...BenjanimeJul 10, 2015View
21930How was your day?Hey look... it's raining. How unusual. :roll:<br>Vaporman87Jul 10, 2015View
21929My Video Game Collection VideoI think the reason I like it so much is the fact that it was regularly on display at our house during my childhood Halloweens. <br>Vaporman87Jul 10, 2015View
21928Ghostbusters RebootWhen you look at the stripes on their uniforms, you would think they're tied up.<br>Mr MagicJul 10, 2015View
21927My Video Game Collection VideoAh, I have that one! &nbsp;I'll have to take some pictures soon. &nbsp;:-) &nbsp;Yeah, I like that one a lot too. &nbsp;I really want to find one of those haunted house ones. &nbsp;they come in a couple different colors too. &nbsp;oniparJul 10, 2015View
21926Action movie stars<blockquote rel="thecrow174"><b>thecrow174 wrote :</b><br><i> Call me crazy, but the Resident Evil movies don't look as bad as people make them to be. Milla Jovovich is as talented as she is beautiful. She's a pretty amazing action star in my book. What man would dare mess with her lol?<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>She's definitely been in her share of action films. About all of them, actually... save for things like Dazed &amp; Confused.<br>Vaporman87Jul 10, 2015View