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Displaying 27781-27790 of 49032 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
220572015 Summertime thread.It's worse than I thought!<br>Mr MagicJul 15, 2015View
22056Baddest Disney VillainI would say Scar just in terms of evilness. But my personal animosity was always directed at...<br><br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>Vaporman87Jul 15, 2015View
22055Ghostbusters Reboot<blockquote rel="Fuzz"><b>Fuzz wrote :</b><i></i><br>Definitely not a sequel. I just heard that Akroid has a cameo as a cab driver.<i><br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Uh... that's just... this sucks. <img src="">Vaporman87Jul 15, 2015View
22054Defunct Toy Companies<blockquote rel="Fuzz"><b>Fuzz wrote :</b><br><i> <div>Is Tonka still around? I know they were bought by Hasbro back in the early 90s. I loved GoBots and Rock Lords.</div> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I would love to see GoBots make a reappearance either as commemorative re-issues, or as a newly developed line with designs that resemble the originals.<br>Vaporman87Jul 15, 2015View
22053How do you feel about your age?35 here and I haven't slowed down yet. Just some gray hairs, and some long hairs in my eyebrows :lol:<br><br>I bought my house to <span style="font-style: italic;">avoid</span> growing up. I know plenty of people still renting with no plans to change but maybe that's just city life. <br><br>I have no interest whatsoever in my 9-5 job. Been looking for something else with similar pay but I can't get a call back. Financially I'm not quite where I want to be, but I can't deny I'm comfortable.<br>shakin steakJul 15, 2015View
22052How do you feel about your age?Well, I'll be the downer a bit here. :\<br><br>My age causes me about 90% of my anxiety. Turning 40 made me face my mortality more so than any other age. I wouldn't care for myself, but for my wife and especially my children, it causes me great concern. Physically, I feel alright (other than I can't do some of the things I used to), but mentally... psychologically... it bothers me a great deal.<br><br>I see most 40 year olds and see they have children in their teens or about to graduate and become adults... yet my oldest is 9, and I have a newborn. Most 40 year olds still have their parents and even grandparents... yet I have lost all of my grandparents, and my mom. I feel disconnected from my past in a way that bothers me. Perhaps that is one part of my reasoning for starting this website, I'm not sure. Not to mention that is seems a monthly ritual to announce yet another death of someone important from our youth. <br><br>At 40, I am still battling OCD (though I have it mostly under control) and Metabolic Syndrome (also mostly under control, I hope). So, I get a bit depressed and concerned from time to time... again, for my wife and kids. I don't want them to ever have to deal with losing me at their young ages.<br><br>On the plus side, I have a steady business. I have an amazing family. And I'm being proactive in battling my physical and mental issues. My diet changes have surprised even me. I never thought I would be able to give up soda, yet I haven't had a sip for months (except at Epcot, when we were flavor testing drinks). Whole grains, nuts, fruit and veggies, and lean meats (mostly poultry and seafood) are what I stick to for the most part. I've forced myself to get my bloodwork done (which I HATE!!! I get so nervous giving blood) and I plan to have a new round of testing done to see if any damage has been done to my arteries from my previously poor lipid profile.<br><br>Lastly, I am thankful for you guys. Coming here helps me connect to those times I feel disconnected from. My youth isn't relevant to anyone I know (aside from my best friend, Phil, and my brother, Bry - both of whom I get to see very little of), and it is becoming increasingly irrelevant in our culture, despite all the "retro" crazy things that are currently the big fad. At some point, the 80's (my decade) and then the 90's (also a part of my youth early on) will become less and less "cool". And then all we'll have is each other to keep those times alive. It's nice to have somewhere to turn to feel like you aren't alone out there - not everybody is out there laser-focused on what's next. It's nice to be able to stop... "smell the roses", and reminisce about easier times. More importantly, incorporating what was great about those times into life today, so that today can benefit from what made yesterday so special. <br>Vaporman87Jul 15, 2015View
220511989 Batman Skin Coming to Arkham KnightKudos to Rocksteady Games for making this happen.<br>Mr MagicJul 15, 2015View
22050Ghostbusters RebootUGHJrs1991Jul 15, 2015View
22049Pee-wee's Big Holiday<blockquote rel="Batty About Toys"><b>Batty About Toys wrote :</b><br><i> This, Dangermouse and Inspector Gadget, Netflix is really catering to my childhood in 2016. </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>No doubt. I'd like to see them boot up a few more properties, and pay homage to them in the same way they did with Inspector Gadget (which is very faithful to the original aside from a few new characters and aging Penny a bit).<br>Vaporman87Jul 15, 2015View
220481989 Batman Skin Coming to Arkham KnightWoah! That is VERY nice. Now I may have to get this game.<br>Vaporman87Jul 15, 2015View