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Displaying 26731-26740 of 49030 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
23122Last Movie You Watched<div>Homefront (2013)</div><div><br></div><div>7/10 Good action movie.</div><div><br></div>Jrs1991Aug 18, 2015View
23121Last Movie You WatchedI hated 300 when i first watched it.<div><br></div><div><br></div>Jrs1991Aug 18, 2015View
23120I must be pretty popular!I...I did it!! At last! I became a new PeZZ!shakin steakAug 18, 2015View
23119Wrestling fans, do you really want this?A kick to the face would've been more suitable.<br>Mr MagicAug 18, 2015View
23118Wrestling fans, do you really want this?Ok, so Undertaker showed up again last night on Raw, and once again kicked Lesner in the balls. What's with the cheap shots from Undertaker? So out of character. The crowd was booing him like crazy.FuzzAug 18, 2015View
23117County FairsSpent about all day at the Erie County Fair on Sunday. It was hot as balls out. I'm pretty much burnt to a crisp. According to the wife's iPhone, we walked almost seven miles.<div><br></div><div>I managed to achieve a life-long dream of mine. I finally won that game where you have to toss a ping pong ball into one of those little glass bowls. It also landed in the blue bowl, so I got my choice of prizes. Off course, my 5yo wanted the Minecraft sword and not the four foot tall stuffed Gizmo.</div><div><br></div><div>My 15yo managed to win the bowling ball game seven times. He ended up with a big plush Minion. That was $20 well spent.</div>FuzzAug 18, 2015View
23116What do you do for a living(job)?I'm a system analyst for the City of Buffalo. I support the city's permitting and code enforcement system, both in-house and online.FuzzAug 18, 2015View
23115I must be pretty popular!Oh yes. Clear as Crystal Pepsi, for sure.<br>Vaporman87Aug 18, 2015View
23114What do you do for a living(job)?<blockquote rel="massreality"><b>massreality wrote :</b><br><i> I got a new job a little over a month ago, so I figured I'd update my listing on here<br>.</i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>What do you think of it so far?<br>Vaporman87Aug 18, 2015View
23113I must be pretty popular!let me explain, back in the 1990's i was sliding through parallel universes where different versions of the same people exist and i was born in 1986 and it seems that every new parallel universe that branched off from the one i was directly born into had the entire worldly series of event's in sync with each other and whichever parallel universe i was directly in acted as the source realm meaning that whatever the people throughout the world did in the source realm the other versions of themselves did in sync with each other at the same time in the other realms and all that showed in the realms that i was not directly in but in sync with each other was a solid hologram that looked exactly like me and these kind of portal doorways appeared where people were in outside parallel universes that were not in sync with the others and the people who observed them were able to look inside of them and see that the series of events were in sync with each other with the different versions of the people and at some point people discovered that by going inside the portal doorways that could literally take on an instance of my life in any given parallel universe and in the process it literally transforms their body head to toe to look exactly like me minus the imperfections from age on the face and it seems that every time i found my self in a different parallel universe the people that were watching the situation studied the different personalities and appearance's of the different versions of my friends and family members and my girlfriend and they decided that they wanted to be me and be among specific versions of my family members and friends and my girlfriend and in 2007 they tried to trick me into thinking that another version of my girlfriend was the same one that i had seen just months before and the truth is that somebody took the instance of my life where that version of her was and then in 2010 somebody took the instance of my life where the version of my family was that i was directly born into and every time someone did this in a parallel universe the series of events fell out of place in that parallel universe. hope this clears up the mystery.<br>PeZZ!Aug 18, 2015View