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Displaying 25631-25640 of 49026 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
24304BladeThe fattest vampire you'll ever see.<br><br><img style="width: 432px; height: 288px;" src="/images/postImages/1442934218blade.jpg"><br>Mr MagicSep 22, 2015View
24303Star Trek<blockquote rel="massreality"><b>massreality wrote :</b><br><i> I was surprised to see there hasn't been a thread about Star Trek yet.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>Any fans? Classic? Next Gen? Deep Space Nine?&nbsp;</div> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I enjoyed Next Gen here and there. I had watched the original series a few times, but as a kid I could never really get into it. So yeah, I think of all the series I prefer Next Gen. <br>Vaporman87Sep 22, 2015View
24302How was your day?Have you tried plugging the cord into one of those charging bases, then sitting the Gamepad on it for your charge?<br>Vaporman87Sep 22, 2015View
24301Last Movie You WatchedI'm watching Life.<br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>Mr MagicSep 22, 2015View
24300Last Movie You WatchedAlice (1988)<div><br></div><div>8/10 A very cool and weird alice in wonderland movie. Great stop motion effects.</div>Jrs1991Sep 22, 2015View
24299The MuppetsI plan on seeing it.<br>Mr MagicSep 22, 2015View
24298The MuppetsI do; plus Fresh Off the Boat is on after. <br>pikachuloverSep 22, 2015View
24297The MuppetsWell, the new show premieres on ABC tomorrow? Who here plans on watching?blueluigiSep 22, 2015View
24296How was your day?welp, my wii u gamepad ac adapter plug has been acting up. now if i want it to get charged i have to fiddle around with the cord input and have the wire stick out in a certain direction all while the gamepad is kept still. i can get a replacement cheap off of amazon, but they ship from china.<br>BenjanimeSep 22, 2015View
24295Last Movie You WatchedSleepy Hollow&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>7/10<br><br>One of Tim Burton's better movies, Sleepy Hollow has some great set pieces- they actually built the town for the movie. The production value is high and the action is great. The decision to go police-procedural works mostly. Although Ichabod is now a detective he is still inexplicable a coward, fainting several times and afraid of everything from blood to spiders. <br><br>What's surprising on this repeated viewing is how tight the plot is, everything adds up in a satisfying yet needlessly complicated murder mystery.<br><br>I love the visuals in this movie and it's a perfect treat for the Halloween season. &nbsp;</div>echidna64Sep 22, 2015View