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Displaying 4121-4130 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1234VideoMr MagicThe previews were actually every bit as entertaining as the movie itself.Opening to Toy StorySep 11, 2014View
1233ArticleVaporman87The thing about those old masks was that they were sooo uncomfortable, and you were dripping sweat inside them. It was like a sauna for your face shaped like Yoda.Halloween Hallelujah!Sep 11, 2014View
1232ArticlepikachuloverI didn't really care about Hanson. A bunch of the girls in my 8th grade class went crazy for them and wrote "Hanson" on their backpacks in whiteout. If you are interested you should find the Madtv Hanson parody skit. They have a song called "Ling Ling" in the skit. Hanson MMMBopped Their Way Into Our Lustful HeartsSep 10, 2014View
1231ArticlepikachuloverSadly the costume doesn't fit anymore. I still have it, but I grew a little too sideways. I think that was the last Halloween I wore face paint. I do not know how to apply even regular cosmetics well except for nail polish. I'm a pro at that. About having to copy the costume thing I don't why that idea stuck at my schools for so long. I mean I can go into any store that sells costumes, and I can hear tweens and older teens saying about how it has to look like it does on the package. Plus women's costumes are usually a rip off anyway. Saloon GirlSep 10, 2014View
1230ArticleHoju KoolanderGuess I should have gotten on board sooner and maybe I could have earned back a bit of my childhood by writing about it. Ah well, I probably couldn't get my son to keep that mask on his face anyway.Halloween Hallelujah!Sep 10, 2014View
1229VideoMr MagicThat poor young deer never had a chance.BambiSep 10, 2014View
1228VideoVaporman87Appreciate!!! 10, 2014View
1227ArticleVaporman87Okay, for starters... I find it awesome that the Yoda costume you are wearing in the article is almost the same as the vintage Yoda costume given away as part of last year's Halloween Article Contest. Ask Ben (Benjanime) to send you a photo of it. LOL There's is no doubt about the sheer joy you're experiencing in these photos. You were a die-hard trick-or-treating fanatic through and through. My personal costume choices were similarly varied. Sometimes I was out as one of the usual boxed, mask and vinyl bodysuit characters, but other times I would just buy a really creepy, decked out mask and couple that with some backwoods garb, like a puffy flannel jacket, ripped jeans, and boots. You just never knew what my choice would be that year. My final trick-or-treat outing was not even in my own neighborhood, but that of my friend, who was taking his little brother trick-or-treating. It felt bittersweet, but appropriate then. Now, it's just bittersweet. Then you have kids... and nobody cares that you are dressing up WITH them and eating THEIR candy. Because... you're the parent. Yeah. Actually, that night, you're a kid in a parent's body. Plain and simple. :)Halloween Hallelujah!Sep 10, 2014View
1226VideoMr MagicThat'll be the day. XDBambiSep 10, 2014View
1225VideoVaporman87It takes a less sensitive person to appreciate Godzilla vs. Bambi. LOLBambiSep 10, 2014View