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Displaying 31-40 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5763ArticleBenjanimeRegardless of how many times I've heard it through the years, the Ghostbusters theme will never get old to me. Well, unless I put on a marathon of the Real Ghostbusters DVDs, in which they play the theme on the DVD menus and then having to hear it more when an episode starts lol Oct 06, 2023View
5762ArticleBenjanimeWow I had no idea that Sour Patch had lasted that long, living under a rock I thought it was another one of those snacks that came out in the 2010s.My 10 Favorite Halloween TreatsOct 06, 2023View
5761ArticleRetroOtaku620Well, again, these are my personal favorites. Also, you need to figure out a way for us to actually reply to people.My 5 Favorite Halloween SongsOct 06, 2023View
5760ArticleVaporman87Another great list! These five songs make up what could probably be best described as the Holy Quintrinity of Halloween soundtrack music. LOL. Though many would probably want to drop one or two in favor of other faves... Somebody's Watching Me, Grim Grinning Ghosts, Werewolves of London, etc.My 5 Favorite Halloween SongsOct 06, 2023View
5759ArticleRetroOtaku620Thanks! I plan to do a part 2 next year.My 10 Favorite Halloween TreatsOct 06, 2023View
5758ArticleRetroOtaku620Thanks, Vaporman87. I can't wait till my other two articles are approved.5 Childhood Pictures of Myself in Halloween CostumesOct 06, 2023View
5757ArticleVaporman87Great list! So many awesome choices here, many of which show up in our next "Celebrating Yesteryear" video. My 10 Favorite Halloween TreatsOct 06, 2023View
5756ArticleVaporman87This is one of those games that I wish I would have grown up owning and playing (right up there with Crossfire and Fireball Island). The theme here and the style of play are just epic.Remembering the Nightmare Board GameOct 06, 2023View
5755ArticleVaporman87I have to say that of these, I think I like the Mario costume best. They're all good though!5 Childhood Pictures of Myself in Halloween CostumesOct 06, 2023View
5754ArticleVaporman87Garfield was always a personal favorite for me. I tried many times to learn to draw Garfield, never with much success. Jim's lines were always so precise, whereas mine were just too fluid and all over the place. Thanks for this great read!Garfield and Friends Turned Me in to a Garfield FanaticOct 06, 2023View