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Displaying 3571-3580 of 5257 results.
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1849ArticleVaporman87To be honest, I'm not sure what effect there might be on old paint, but I would think that as long as you're not getting it TOO hot, the paint should be okay. You might avoid putting too much pressure on the paint with your fingers, just to be safe.Miss M's Top 10 Retro Toys of 2014!Jan 28, 2015View
1848ArticleMissM@Vaporman, thank you for the tip with the blow dryer! I have heard that tip before but I have always been scared to try it for fear of melting the paint or whatever. I am going to try it though and see how it works! That's also cool that you got a MOC Roboto too. I did get a lot of the new MOTUC figures as well this year. That's a whole other discussion though. lol It was a good year for MOTUC. I also like what you had to say about MoonDreamers being like a cross between Jem and Strawberry Shortcake. There is an outrageous and wild sense of style about them. @pikachulover, that is indeed a dream tail in her hair! It came with the loose doll, I was so thrilled! I liked the dream tails on this line and the hair clip ins with Lady Lovely Locks. Popcorn Pretties are a pretty obscure line, so are the Wee Wild Things which is another line that I just love. Popcorn Pretties are similar to Cupcake dolls, except they were more compact and a little more fun. Though I do like Cupcake Dolls. I hope you are able to one day come across some of the smaller Disney Princess dolls. They are so much fun! And I agree, the Disney Princess franchise really grew out of the items from that time. And that's right! Pinkie Cooper dolls did not do so well. I forgot about those. I still see some at Toysrus but yeah, they kinda crashed and burned. @Hoju Koolander, thank you! It was a nice year for girl toys for sure. I loved the other figures from that wave with Irma too! It was so nice to see them made, even if it was at the end and I could never really find them at the time. And thanks for the comment on the Pizzazz costume. I really really wanted to do that costume proud. The Misfits are by far my favorite from that show. Hope all is well y'all!Miss M's Top 10 Retro Toys of 2014!Jan 27, 2015View
1847ArticlepikachuloverSam from Today's Special used to scare me when I first watched the show. There were some Cabbage Patch dolls that were more geared towards boys they were MLB dolls. They only came in male dolls. They are called All Stars and are from 1986. Stuffed Animals of the 80'sJan 27, 2015View
1846VideoMr Magic"They're here!"PoltergeistJan 26, 2015View
1845ArticleVaporman87They're usually doing things like preparing for the show, which happen almost exclusively on Holidays, and generally being silly. The kids enjoy just making all the gang interact and entertain. Last night it was Meowwy reading a storybook to the others, except inserting his own goofy elements here and there to "spice it up". Stuffed Animals of the 80'sJan 26, 2015View
1844ArticleHoju Koolander@Vaporman87 "The Meowwy Wowwy Show" sounds like it would have had a place right next to Ren and Stimpy in the early 90's. Glad it is being passed on to the next generation. What kind of mischief do Wowwy, Smarts, Halfheart and Buford get into?Stuffed Animals of the 80'sJan 26, 2015View
1841ArticleHoju Koolander@pikachulover I loved Today's Special! "Hocus Pocus Alamagocus..." Muffy wasn't quite as memorable to me as Sam the Security Guard or Jeff the Mannequin, but it's awesome that you gave a generic stuffed toy some star power by associating it with the show.Stuffed Animals of the 80'sJan 26, 2015View
1839ArticleVaporman87I also still own my first teddy bear. I didn't really give it much play time, but I kept it for sentimental reasons. Stuffed Animals of the 80'sJan 26, 2015View
1838VideoVaporman87Few movies can creep you out the way Poltergeist can. It doesn't need torture or gore to do the job. Just a house, a medium, a TV, and a family. Why Tobe Hooper didn't have much success after this and Texas Chainsaw Massacre eludes me.PoltergeistJan 26, 2015View
1836VideoVaporman87I can't tell you how many tape cassette recordings my friends and I did in which one part was our commentary on a lawsuit filed against Madonna for making awful movies and her crazy antics outside the studio. One such recording was my friend and I pretending that Weird Al was being sued by Madonna for making a parody song called "Who's That Queer?" Then we find out Weird Al is involved in a love triangle with Madonna and is absolved of any wrong doing. Yeah. So, there's that. LOLWho's That GirlJan 26, 2015View