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The Story of The Cartrivision aka The American VCR That Never Was

  The 80's and 90's was the decade for the video cassette thriving with pre-recorded titles and video rental services. But what if I were to t...

My Favourite Lesser Known Cartoons and Kid Shows of Yesteryear Part 1

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80s Tees T Shirt Review

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PHP warning

PHP warning

Creating default object from empty value


1226             //$allArticles = Articles::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('status'=>'Approved'), array('order'=>'id desc', 'limit'=>10));
1228             if (isset(Yii::app()->user->uid)) {
1229                 $ifFavorited = PostLog::model()->countByAttributes(array("post_type" => 'Article', "post_id" => $artId, "action_by" => intval(Yii::app()->user->uid), "action_taken" => 'Favorited'));
1230                 $ifApproved = PostLog::model()->countByAttributes(array("post_type" => 'Article', "post_id" => $artId, "action_by" => intval(Yii::app()->user->uid), "action_taken" => 'Approved'));
1231                 $ifDisapproved = PostLog::model()->countByAttributes(array("post_type" => 'Article', "post_id" => $artId, "action_by" => intval(Yii::app()->user->uid), "action_taken" => 'Disapproved'));
1232                 $ifAction = $ifApproved + $ifDisapproved;
1233             } else {
1234                 $ifFavorited = $ifAction = 0;
1235             }
1237             $this->render('article', array('model' => $model, 'article' => $article, 'postedBy' => $postedBy, 'comments' => $comments, 'commentCount' => $commentCount, 'ifFavorited' => $ifFavorited, 'ifAction' => $ifAction, 'allArticles' => $allArticles, 'pages' => $pages));
1238             $article->reads += 1;
1239             $article->update();
1240         } else {
1241             $this->redirect(Yii::app()->createUrl('site/error', array('code' => 404, 'message' => 'This page was not found.')));
1242             exit();
1243         }
1244     }
1246     public function actiontest() {
1247         if (isset($_GET['order']) && $_GET['order'] == 'title')
1248             $order = 'title ASC';
1249         else
1250             $order = 'posted_on DESC';

Stack Trace

 /home/ghostofvapor/public_html/index.php(16): CApplication->run()
11 defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG',true);
12 // specify how many levels of call stack should be shown in each log message
13 defined('YII_TRACE_LEVEL') or define('YII_TRACE_LEVEL',3);
15 require_once($yii);
16 Yii::createWebApplication($config)->run();
2024-12-26 15:58:38 LiteSpeed Yii Framework/1.1.11