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Forum » Chew The Fat » Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
This thread can be about anything having to do with the Parade or it's past, but I'm posting this Live Stream link here for those like me with no access to NBC. Don't wanna miss the parade.

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Mr Magic
It's always a treat seeing the performances and floats hanging in the air.
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"Magic can happen to you."

My favorite floats are undoubtedly the Pikachu and Sonic ones. Video gaming for life, man! Yeah, in our household, we would set up the Christmas tree while the parade was on. It was fun, but there was and still are too many commercials during them.
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Do the frog!

~ Super Mario Bros. 3 [DiC]
SegaFanatic wrote :
It was fun, but there was and still are too many commercials during them.
-end quote

True... but there is also wide gaps of time between the more interesting parts of the parade, so they feel free to insert plenty of commercials. It sucks, but at least it's unlikely you're actually missing anything interesting.
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Here is the balloon lineup for this year's parade...

-Some notes: It's the first year for the "Finn & Jake" balloon from Cartoon Network's Adventuretime, and it's Snoopy & Woodstock's 32nd year.

There will also be a few "balloonicles"... including Kool Aid Man, the Aflac duck, and a spinning dreidel.
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Mr Magic
No Gumball Watterson, but Jake and Finn? Boooooo.
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"Magic can happen to you."

Mr Magic
Big winds could ground the balloons.
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"Magic can happen to you."

thecrow174 wrote :

Big winds could ground the balloons.
-end quote

My wife just informed me of this. That sucks, if it happens. Just so long as EVERYTHING isn't cancelled.
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I'm pretty upset too. Well at least I didn't travel all the way to NYC to see them. 
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Mr Magic
It's not certain that there will be big winds. The keyword here is "Could".
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"Magic can happen to you."

My cousin's girlfriend traveled to NYC to see the parade, and now I don't know if they will be there or not. I want to see the Wizard of Oz balloon. 
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