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Forum » Chew The Fat » Wind Waker HD Wii U Bundle
have you guys heard about this?

nintendo's releasing this on the 20th and i just so happen to have preordered it. it comes with a full download of the legend of zelda: the wind waker to play before its actual release date of october 4th, and also comes with a download of a digital version of the hyrule historia timeline book. since it's on the same day of the wii u pricedrop it's $299 and it's a 32GB deluxe.

this will also be my first time playing wind waker since i've only seen gameplay of the original gamecube game

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@benny.bros./featured
That looks cool to me....
How much is it....
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I caught a glimpse of the Hyrule Historia in Walmart the other day. One of the copies had been opened, so I perused through it. Very nice book.

Then I caught a glimpse of the price, and promptly placed it back on the shelf.
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You know... I do love Wind Waker, and I already own a Wii U... but is anyone else besides me disgusted at the way Nintendo remakes their older titles?

I always hated it when Nintendo re-releases their older games as new titles. It's something they've done constantly since the Game Boy Advance era. Like when they released the Super Mario Advance series. It was billed as new games... but they were really older Mario games ported for the GBA with new revisions added (voice clips of Mario characters, more powerups and bigger enemies, new stage modes, etc). They also did the game thing with GBA re-releases of A Link to the Past, Kirby's Adventure, The original Metroid, and all three DKC games. Even in the DS era, we had games like Super Mario 64 DS and Kirby Super Star Ultra... as well as Ocarina of Time 3D and Star Fox 64 3D for the 3DS.

As for what Nintendo is doing with Wind Waker HD... whenever I look at this, it tells me one statement... that Nintendo is only making this game for their hardcore fanatics. Not for the kids, not for the casual gaming crowd, but only for the fans. Everything about this game, both the Wii U bundle and the retail copy just screams "collector's edition". They also threw in a "hero mode" to further justify gamers who already owned Wind Waker to get this new HD version. It seems that pretty much all of the hardcore Nintendo fans I've seen gush over it like it's a good thing. But me personally, I find this extremely unethical.

It's the same way Lucasfilm re-releases all of the older Star Wars films. They make revisions to the classic movies, and make collector's editions as ways to tell the hardcore Star Wars fans to buy the new versions of the movies. What Nintendo has been doing with Wind Waker HD is no better. It's an example of how some of the people at Nintendo are a bunch of money grubbing doucebags that like to milk the hell out of their hardcore fanbase... and this is coming from a lifelong fan of the company.

Honestly though, the only way I'd be willing to get this new version of Wind Waker is if Nintendo reinstated the missing dungeons that was removed from the Gamecube title. But since Nintendo already announced that they aren't... then it further shows that they're only doing this for extra cash.

I know the Wii U is in a slump right now, but really, I would much prefer that Nintendo would make a bundle pack that includes something like Pikmin 3, or Super Mario 3D World. Because I feel if there's one thing that would sell the system is new titles... and I mean new ORIGINAL titles, and not a remake of an older game.
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Metal Gear has had it's share of "rereleases" or "add ons" as well. Some were good (Twin Snakes) and others were pure crap (VR Missions).
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Nintendo is a nothing more than a shadow of what it once was.
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Mr Magic
My, how Nintendo has evolved over the years.
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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

It seems like that their core selection of games is always so limited, so they end up essentially releasing the same games over and over in order to pad their numbers. Perhaps if they weren't so bent on requiring developers to program around their crazy hardware schemes (the Gamepad being only the most recent example). Yes, it's gimmicky fun once in a while, but in the end, it just seems to hurt them. Just MHO.
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To be honest though, I do like the Gamepad, and I do like how you can use it for remote play, which becomes useful when you live in the apartment that I live where noise from my TV disturbs the neighbors. It seems to me though that when Nintendo tries new things for some of their systems, then they eventually use them less as it falls through. Like for example, the 3D feature for the 3DS. They thought it was a good idea at first, but then as more people have the 3D slider turned off, then they stopped making games that take advantage of that. Now they're coming out with the Nintendo 2DS which shows that they're removing the 3D feature they once hyped up their system.

From my experience with the Gamepad though, I can see some good things coming out with it. I do like the way it's been integrated in games like Nintendoland. Though, this would also depend on what fun ways Nintendo can throw in with the Gamepad weather people find them to be a good sell or not.
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you guys are missing the best part of what they added in though, now you can take self photos!

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@benny.bros./featured

Benjanime wrote :
you guys are missing the best part of what they added in though, now you can take self photos!

Having seen this image makes me wish that the "adult" Link would toss this one in a lake somewhere.
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