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Forum » Chew The Fat » Wind Waker HD Wii U Bundle
^ i lost it
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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
Benjanime wrote :

you guys are missing the best part of what they added in though, now you can take self photos!

Looks kind of cool. But still not enough for me to buy it.
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shakin steak

blueluigi wrote :
is anyone else besides me disgusted at the way Nintendo remakes their older titles?

Yes. I have no interest in getting a Wii U. They've been trying so long to lose me as a customer, and they've finally done it.
Quote Disable Sigs
Yep! I actually saw it on a electronic store flyer the week it got released. It's cool that it comes with LoZ: Hyrule Historia book.

Sometimes I think without Nintendo Power, it's quite difficult to keep up with these sort of updates. Oh well. Good thing for tumblr.
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Guess who's back? No really...GUESS, GAWD DAMMIT.

(Thanks for editing my signature...whoever had the power to do so lol).

SilverMagician wrote :
Yep! I actually saw it on a electronic store flyer the week it got released. It's cool that it comes with LoZ: Hyrule Historia book.

Sometimes I think without Nintendo Power, it's quite difficult to keep up with these sort of updates. Oh well. Good thing for tumblr.

It will be successful I think, it's just that it's too bad that Nintendo is so reliant on this sort of thing, as opposed to having a large, diverse library of games.
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You love this signature.
just give them time. they're still working on super mario 3D world and mario kart 8 B)

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
As well as Super Smash Bros. Though, I think what matters the most is that they're finally starting to release some of the good games for the Wii U. Why it took them this long to do it, I have no idea.
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