Like it says...
I've become so far behind during the holidays, that I've come to the realization that I need some help. So, I extend to you, the loyal members of RetroDaze, an invitation to assist in approving/disapproving/publishing some submissions (mainly videos and VHS covers). I can provide guidance to this assistant on how to go about performing the work.
In exchange for the help, I can offer a 50% discount on any Points Store items until March 1, 2016, and a bonus of 1000 points, upon completion of the current backlog.
After that, this person can stay on in the position if they choose. If things get a little behind again, this person will be called upon for help once more.
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Forum » Take Heed! - Announcements » Help Wanted
You love this signature.
I'd love to help out.
Me too.
*Insert funny signature here*
vkimo wrote : Rick Ace Rhodes wrote :That's excellent! The fact that I'm behind has been weighing on me, but with the holidays and now the death of a family friend, it just seems like I can't get time to get to the work. What time I have had has been spent working on the Christmas Special and keeping other things going on the site. vkimo has some seniority, so lets start with that, and then for Rick, could you be "on call" if vkimo is unable to do some stuff? You love this signature.
I was going to offer up myself as a possible helper, but a lot of those videos waiting to be uploaded are ones I've uploaded, so there might be a conflict of interest. If there's any other way I can help, Vapor, then let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Vaporman87 wrote :Sure. I would be happy to do so. *Insert funny signature here*
Vkimo is going to be the next Adventure_of_Link! lol
I was wondering if maybe me and someone else would be able to help out on the Facebook side of things like posting retro related news and original retro memes with the retrodaze logo on them to help bring in more visitors. Is that something you would be interested in Vapes? |
That would be great echidna!
You love this signature.
It seems like you have things covered, but if you still need help I'm here to serve as best I can.
Like Ive told you in private, Im willing to help in any way you need it my friend.
Just let me know if it ever arises.