shoot your
eye out.
Little Nemo


The Mall Arcade


Forum » Take Heed! - Announcements » Help Wanted
I'm game, I'd be happy to relieve the workload.
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"Be who you are and say what you feel. Because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss.
Once again, there is a backlog of videos needing categorized, approved, and published. So I call upon anybody with a little time to spare.

This requires software that can grab screenshots as well as some free or paid image editing software ( I use Screenhunter and, both free). 
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I call upon the RD faithful again to offer help in publishing our backlog of videos that have been submitted. I can compensate you with a $35 electronic gift card from Amazon for every 100 videos that are published.

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considering that Caps 2.0 has worked wonders in contributing videos, perhaps he could help? I don't have as much time on my hands as i used to.

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
Rick Ace Rhodes

I have some free time on my hands this week if you want me to do it for you.


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*Insert funny signature here*

Thank you Rick! Vkimo also offered to help, so I'll let you know if there's still a need.

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