I got it.
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Forum » Take Heed! - Announcements » Halloween Article Contest 2014
mine came in as well
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@benny.bros./featured |
Okay, good. Just wanted to make sure I didn't majorly foul up somewhere.
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Vaporman87 wrote : If it goes to our Email address I didn't receive one. |
Ahhh. I had your email as missing the "1" at the end. That's why.
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Let me know when you send it.
No need. It was basically just a copy/paste of the original post in the contest forum thread.
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Is there a blinking Halloween Contest banner that is taking me to test.com, or am I just imagining things?
You're just imagining things. When you awaken, you will have no memory of this.
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vkimo wrote : ....Hmmm....I don't remember posting this at all....as a matter of fact I don't recall this site in general! How did I get here? And why does that Smurf have a 8mm camera on his head??! |