I watched the 45 minute preview which was good.
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Forum » Retro People & Events » USA Today/NatGeo: 90's The Last Great Decade?
Hopefully it doesn't take too long to show up on the subscription services (Hulu, etc.)
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I found out my house has Nat Geo (Roommate hogs the TV) So I missed the first 50 minutes. However overall I liked it. I'll be missing tonight's episode unless laundromat has it.
Reminiscing about the 90s > Clean undies
Agreed, vkimo.
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Well when I have a convention to go to and lack clean clothes. I gotta have my priorities. But hopefully it won't take long
Did anybody catch tonight's episode?
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I watched the first episode last night. Will watch 2nd soon hopefully. They're 90 minutes so I gotta break it up.
All three episodes are up on YouTube right now. I dug the show, it was a lot like the 80's doc that they did. It focused more on big news events and stories, rather than pop culture. While the pop culture is usually more interesting to me, it's kind of been done to death with I Love the 90s. So it was refreshing to hear some of the news stories I was too young to understand or care about.