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Forum » Take Heed! - Announcements » Retro Manic!
Since the beginning of the year, one of the things I was really hoping to be able to add to the site was a dedicated game of some sort. Something that only this site had, that could entertain us while we weren't writing articles, submitting videos, discussing stuff in the forum, listening to Read-Alongs, etc. The problem was, to purchase the script for a game - even just a text based game - would require a great deal of money. That is, until I saw one for sale on Flippa from a gentleman calling himself Rolex. As I reviewed and tested his game, Fated Dungeon, on Flippa... I realized that THIS was it. This was what I was looking for in a game script. But the real kicker was the price. It was AFFORDABLE! I immediately purchased it and have been running it for a couple weeks now. In that time, I have copied the game, and added it to the RetroDaze server. I have been combing through the game's code - line by line - altering it to fit the theme of RetroDaze. It will be called Retro Manic! Retro Manic! will essentially be the combination of an online Dungeons & Dragons meets RetroDaze. The object of the game is to increase your Nostalgia Level to it's maximum in hopes of escaping an alternate universe where everyone is perpetually stuck in an undetermined "retro" decade. The game is text based, meaning there is very little in the way of graphics (use your imagination!). The action plays out in the form of descriptive text, a movement grid, and many, many features, options, and upgrades. When I have successfully converted the game code from Fated Dungeon into Retro Manic!, I am hoping to have Moudy and Rakesh tie our RetroDaze accounts into the game, so that we do not have to register for the game separately from RetroDaze. I think this will be a fun distraction that we can play together or just on our own. Screenshot (right click with mouse and select "View Image"): Quote Disable Sigs You love this signature.
Sounds like it might be interesting.
Still making progress on converting this game over. All code modifications are finished (or at least, the ones I can perform) and now I am just trying to flesh out the names of NPCs that you battle and their weaponry, attack/defence/evasion ratings, etc within the games database.
After that, I'll be adding images to the game to replace the current ones for screens like those when you visit weapons shops, arenas, and such. I've had only limited time to finish these tasks, but it will happen EVENTUALLY. I am also purchasing a game (to which I will modify it's code as well) that is an online card based game. That will be the next project after this one. You love this signature.
Play the game and win some money gang!
You love this signature.
I am playing this game. If I go directly to the page, it will not let me log in. The only way I can get in to the game is to go to the main site and click the link there.
Anyway, it's pretty cool. I've never played a MMORPG before and enjoy very few RPGs. So, good job! |
So, where is this game at? I looked everywhere, and couldn't find it.
EDIT: Okay, now the link showed up. |
blueluigi: Yeah. It's taken some folks either refreshing their browsers or clearing their browsers cache in order to see the link.
shakin steak: Glad you like it. I am also working on retheming a MMO Card Collecting/Battle game to feature "retro" properties. You love this signature.
where is the game
where is the game
where is the game