June 20th, 2013 will be the premiere of the next film: 1972's Doomsday Machine.
Fruit Brute
Since 1983.
Fruit Brute
Since 1983.
Forum » RetroDaze Theater » UPDATED: June 20th - Doomsday Machine Premiere
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What time does it start?
9:30 PM EST
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Will we still be eligible for the gift card if we pass out from the sheer corniness of this movie?
dudebro wrote : Possibly. Though I have to let everyone know that the film will now be Encounter with the Unknown this evening. Due to several factors, I was not able to complete the riffs for Doomsday Machine. But... since NOONE saw Encounter with the Unknown when it was scheduled last time, nobody will be watching a re-run. You love this signature.
I was joking about passing out.
That's a bummer about the movie, I was looking forward to it. This other one looks cool to though. Partially narrated by Rod Serling? I'm sold. Derp
dudebro wrote : You will "enjoy?" the replacement film. As you said... you can't go wrong with Rod Serling... or can you??? Doomsday Machine has been tentatively re-scheduled for next Thursday night, same time. That should give me ample time to finish the riffs (I hope). You love this signature.
I enjoy bad movies because I like to make fun of stuff. I even make fun of good movies. I find it amusing but the people around me, not so much.
I know the feeling.
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Damn! At first I thought it was at 9:30 PST and I'd be asleep, now I find it's 6:30 my time and I need to run errands.
It's 9:40PM EST by my clock and the theater ain't working. I've been trying off and on for 20 mins and it just says it's closed when I buy a ticket.
Edit- it worked right after I posted. Now I'm waiting in the seats and it says JW player with no video playing. Derp