can't really think of much aside from trying to get a gaming PC before the year ends, but i doubt that's possible with the specs i'm looking for. it's really just another year for me.
shoot your
eye out.
shoot your
eye out.
Forum » Chew The Fat » Winter 2022
Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime YouTube channel: |
Yeah, I'm with Vaporman on 2022. It was a big one for us because of the novel release, but other than that, it was just "okay." Nothing terrible happened in my life. The novel release definitely did elevate the year for me though of course, making it a better year than most in recent memory. Strangely, yeah, it’s pretty warm here now. In the 50’s! Kinda crazy for January. I don’t normally mess with resolutions, but always have similar goals like, write, read, submit, publish, invest, etc.
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