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heck is a
Little Nemo


Forum » Retro Products » Action Figures You Had As a Kid
Mr Magic

I also had Power Ranger figures where you could flip the Rangers' helmets to see their faces. I had the Red Ranger and Green Ranger. I also got a tall White Ranger figure for Christmas that talked.

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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."


"Supernaturals were pretty cool. I think they are bringing those back, or already have."

Really!?  I'd be all over that. Google, here I come! :-p

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Can't find it :-(

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Mr Magic

I had some wrestling figures.

I had Goldberg and Scott Hall. I think I had both of the "Rockers" figures. I bought a Hacksaw Jim Duggan figure at Gamestop last year. I dare not take him out of the box.


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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."


Well crap. I thought for sure I read that somewhere... of course this is the internet so...

onipar wrote :

Can't find it :-(

-end quote


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Aliens VS Predator toys

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Mr Magic

An Alan Grant figure.


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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."


All of the Jurassic Park toys were really cool!

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Rick Ace Rhodes

I had a single Jurassic Park toy throughout my entire childhood, and it was the Brachiosaurus action figure that came out with the third film. Not trying to sound ungrateful, but when picking out a dinosaur toy for a young boy why would you go for the lamest dinosaur toy from the entire line? Wouldn't some meat eater or a defensive powerhouse like the Triceratops sound more appealing to that kid? It's like everyone bringing to the park their Star Wars action figures and the only one you have is Jar Jar Binks.

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You needed this bad boy! The Lost World had the best toys

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