Forum » Chew The Fat » It's possible Trump will be resigning
blueluigi wrote :

...we would have Mike Pence as president, who I fear far more.
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Could be worse. Much, much worse.
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You love this signature.
My bet is he won't run for re-election, Trump will say "I did more in 4 years than most Presidents do in 8!" 
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shakin steak
Count me in for "yeah right"
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Quote Disable Sigs
Nostalgia Junkie
echidna64 wrote :

My bet is he won't run for re-election, Trump will say "I did more in 4 years than most Presidents do in 8!" 
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That's more believable in my opinion. 
Quote Disable Sigs
i don't like trump as a person and some of his ideas are right out of a wiley and roadrunner cartoon lol i mean lets build a giant wall lol what  but the economy is doing good and i found a job its a crappy one but it's work 
when i looked for 3 years before that and couldn't find anything and i do like how he pisses off the super left  and i was backing hilary in 08 lol  before cnn  started pushing Obama and pointed out how awful of a person she was i am typically in the middle on politics i use to lean to the left but now they have gone completely nuts with pc 
Quote Disable Sigs
'you think just because a guy reads comics he can't start some sh*t'
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