Fruit Brute
Since 1983.
Forum » Chew The Fat » McLasagna
McDonald's is rolling out a new menu item in select locations this year called the McLasagna.

This thing probably clocks in at 1,000 calories but it still looks tasty!

Will you try the McLasagna? 

Mr Magic
I was just reminded of a scene from Big Daddy.

Cashier: Hi, welcome to McDonald's. What can I get you?

(Sonny asks Julian what he wants.)

Sonny: Okay, what do you want?

Julian: Cheerios.

Sonny: Cheerios? They don't got Cheerios. What else?

Julian: Lasagna.
Quote Disable Sigs
"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

^Must be where they got it from! I thought Hooters did all the marketing for Big Daddy haha

I know that Garfield will be happy!

Quote Disable Sigs
What are the odds it'll just be the same frozen lasagna you can buy at the supermarket? 
Quote Disable Sigs
The women of New Vegas ask me a lot if there's a Mrs. New Vegas. Well, of course there is! You're her. And you're still just as perfect as the day we met.
jkatz wrote :

What are the odds it'll just be the same frozen lasagna you can buy at the supermarket? 
-end quote
Lol good thing they have that McMicrowave oven
Quote Disable Sigs
And after that, is the McTurkey, and then the McTacos. Pretty soon, they'll be at the McBurger... oh wait.
Quote Disable Sigs
blueluigi wrote :

And after that, is the McTurkey, and then the McTacos. Pretty soon, they'll be at the McBurger... oh wait.
-end quote
I heard that they taste-tested a McMeatloaf back in the 80's
Quote Disable Sigs
I went back and clicked on the link. YOU DIRTY DOG!
Quote Disable Sigs
The women of New Vegas ask me a lot if there's a Mrs. New Vegas. Well, of course there is! You're her. And you're still just as perfect as the day we met.
jkatz wrote :

I went back and clicked on the link. YOU DIRTY DOG!
-end quote
Quote Disable Sigs
I was thinking they actually did try out lasagna, but maybe I'm thinking of spaghetti.
Quote Disable Sigs
You love this signature.
Mr Magic
echidna64 wrote :

^Must be where they got it from! I thought Hooters did all the marketing for Big Daddy haha

I know that Garfield will be happy!

-end quote
Now no one will have any McLasagna 'cause Garfield will eat it all. XD

Quote Disable Sigs
"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

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