Forum » Take Heed! - Announcements » Christmas Article Contest 2016
Rick Ace Rhodes
I have two interesting ideas for articles, but I don't know if one of them would really be considered a Christmas article.
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*Insert funny signature here*
Mine ended up being sort of a "prequel" to my Christmas article last year in a way.  I guess it was the article I wanted to write last year, but couldn't put it all into words.  And then in the last year, I learned some things about my Dad that all trace back to those years in the 80's that was the catalyst for this years article.  It finally put all the pieces together for me to put into words and describe a very special Christmas the right way.

And then I've written a 2nd article this year which was a lot of fun recounting a fun day of enjoying new toys on Christmas day.
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Rick Ace Rhodes
Those are interesting topics Mickey.
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*Insert funny signature here*
the only thing close to a christmas article that i've got planned is titled "santa sightings in video games" but i doublt that it'll make the cut in the contest. i'm honestly out of ideas.
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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@benny.bros./featured
Can I also bring up other holidays along with Christmas?
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Sure thing TDitH. So long as Christmas is the main focus

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You love this signature.
How come your font is orange?
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it seems to be a new problem when posting on mobile.

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@benny.bros./featured
Mine has been submitted. I sense a general theme of several that have already posted as well as mine.
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Would dreams/nightmares we had count as Fiction?  Should I label my visions of sugar plums as such in the title, or should I work the word fiction into the article somewhere?  They seemed real to me.
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