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Forum » Chew The Fat » Items for a Retro Room
Mr Magic
Get as many VHS films as you can.
Quote Disable Sigs
"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

A record player and some records. Seriously my dad has a huge collection of records. Maybe some type of rotary phone or a neon phone. Something that looks like wood paneling. Or some 80s style curtains.
Quote Disable Sigs
New member Dobesov provided a link in your Mall Arcade article that leads you directly to the style of carpet you simply MUST get for the room.
Quote Disable Sigs
You love this signature.
Man, these are some amazing ideas. Keep em coming. 

Vaporman87 wrote :

New member Dobesov provided a link in your Mall Arcade article that leads you directly to the style of carpet you simply MUST get for the room.
-end quote
I seriously need to see if I can find a way to make a rug out of those or something.
Quote Disable Sigs
Checkout vkimo's Retro Rooms for inspiration!

I would also add hanging model airplanes into the mix 
Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic
Vintage shirts for the closet.

Quote Disable Sigs
"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

One thing I do, I print out 8x10 color photos (on photo paper) of things like old advertising and promo pics from tv shows.  I buy the "frameless" frames from wal-mart for $3 and hang those pics all around my room.  You can also get 8x10 frames from Dollar Tree...and they kinda look retro because of how cheap they are.

Quote Disable Sigs
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