shoot your
eye out.
Forum » Chew The Fat » That's Just Stupid

i'm surprised people are still playing too, i lost interest months ago after getting the same creatures time and time again lol.

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
Rick Ace Rhodes

We are going on six years and people are still into this? That summer it first came out it was fun to watch just how big of a disasterous it turned into. Now it is just a little bit sad.

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*Insert funny signature here*

for me i only came back to it when there's some kind of special event pikachu wearing certain hats, but it's been a couple of years since they've had any new ones, now they're just on repeat. even my friends stopped playing

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
Mr Magic

They certainly picked a very odd time to play Pokemon GO.

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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

Rick Ace Rhodes

Internet streamer and full-blown lolcow Baked Alaska is more than likely heading to prison due to botching his guilty plea in court today.

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*Insert funny signature here*
Mr Magic Quote Disable Sigs
"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

Mr Magic

A man shoots his roommate over a Hot Pocket. People will go to any lengths to get what they want. Like Hot Pockets ,for example.


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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

Mr Magic

You'd think loss of eyesight would be a learning lesson.


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"If you think a 401K is your mother-in-law's bra size, you might be a redneck."

Rick Ace Rhodes

The saga of fake black woman Rachel Dolezal continues to reach new heights.

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*Insert funny signature here*

Yeesh. Someone get a hose and put out that fire.

Rick Ace Rhodes wrote :

The saga of fake black woman Rachel Dolezal continues to reach new heights.

-end quote


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You love this signature.
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