heck is a
Don't mess
with the bull.

The Mall Arcade
Like most kids of the 80’s and 90’s, I spent a lot of time
in places with arcade games. There was Showbiz Pizza, Chuck E Cheese, and
Putt-Putt Golf and Games. I also can’t forget playing Ms. Pac Man on a tabletop in Pizza Hut, driving Cruisin’ USA at Walmart, or the many quarters I spent in various
gas stations and laundromats. It was a great time to be alive. If you had a few
quarters in your pocket, you could probably find an arcade machine somewhere
nearby to play. If you were lucky, you could even find someone able and willing
to face off against.

I have fond memories of gaming in all of those places, but I
wouldn’t consider any of them a hangout. They were just places I’d end up
gaming for a few minutes at a time. I wasn’t particularly loyal to any of those
locations because I already had my own arcade at the mall.
Armed with a pocket full of quarters and several crumpled
one dollar bills, I was dropped off at the arcade by my grandmother while she
spent the afternoon department store shopping each week. It acted as both a
babysitter and a gateway into a world that no longer exists. A world of
competition, trash talking, and being ripped off.
The bright neon pink sign was simple; it said “Arcade.” No
corporate owners, no mascot... just “Arcade.” Take a trip with me as we tour a
place from my past, the mall arcade circa 1993.
The first thing you notice when approaching the arcade is
the sound. The change machines are cashing out and dropping quarters into the
metal bins. The pinball machine flappers are going wild and the bumpers are
firing off. You hear the sound of joysticks being abused and the erratic
tapping of buttons. There is the thud of Skeeballs hitting the ramps. The rowdy
laughter and cheers by dozens of children and teenagers, all celebrating and
mourning their wins and losses. Then there are the sounds of the games
themselves, the chomping of Pacman,
the announcer from NBA Jam, the music
of Street Fighter II, the Uzi from Terminator 2, and the roar of the engine
in Daytona USA create a beautiful
melody. The melody is backed by the other ambient sounds to create a symphony
of fun. A sound you can never forget.

Your senses have already picked up on all of that excitement
and you haven’t even stepped foot into the arcade. Once you cross the threshold
that takes you from a boring mall into the atmosphere of fun you notice how dim
the room is. The majority of the light comes from the arcade game screens and
the flashing lights of the cabinets and other games. A lot of light isn’t
necessary and would drown out the colors on the screen, or worse create a glare
off the glass.

On the left wall is eight pinball machines lined up
side-by-side. Popular titles such as The
Twilight Zone, The Addams Family, Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Elvira are separated by unbranded
machines that aren’t nearly as popular. If there are adults in the arcade, this
is usually where you find them trying to set a new high score, feeding quarter
after quarter into the machines. The flappers inside the pinball machines make
the loudest noise in the entire arcade. It’s always loud standing near the
pinball machines, but no one seems to mind. No one talks while playing pinball
and everyone knows the unwritten rule to never bother someone playing pinball.
It is the more sophisticated and trying machine that requires absolute

At the end of the line of pinball machines sits a change
machine, a common sight in an arcade. Many of these machines take one dollar,
five dollar, and sometimes even ten dollar bills and breaks them down into
quarters. However, some locations exchange tokens for your dollars depending on
how their machines are set up. Sadly, none of the machines will take nickels
and dimes in exchange for quarters. I know the feeling all too well of reaching
in the bottom of my pocket only to find a few nickels that are totally useless
in the arcade. They are large enough to be mistaken for quarters and it's extremely disappointing when you realize they aren't.

Next to the change machines is a row of what I refer to as
the “second tier” arcade games. These are the tried and true games that are still popular, although they may be a few years old. Games like Mortal Kombat will end up in this
section once Mortal Kombat II comes
out. Aerosmith’s game Revolution X
always seems to be permanently installed in the “second tier”, and occasionally
you’ll find a Vs. Super Mario Bros.
arcade machine that really seems out of place. Everyone attempts this arcade game at
least once, but soon after realize they can play the same thing for free at home, and move onto something better.

The left wall turns into the back wall of our rectangular
shaped room. The back wall is furthest from the door, but that doesn’t mean the
games are bad. The games along the back wall are the classics: Pac Man, Galaga, Centipede, and Asteroids. These games are always just
one quarter to play, and despite being ten or fifteen years old they are still
challenging and fun. Everyone reluctantly ends up against the back wall, and
then loses themselves for hours. They emerge with a new appreciation of the
classics, having officially been schooled in those games that looked so simple
and archaic.

Curving around into the right side wall, we are greeted with
the more physically active games. There is a basketball game, where the goal is
to sink as many shots within a minute with over or under inflated basketballs.
Next to the basketball game are the Skeeball machines. Surprisingly, Skeeball
is the simplest of games, but also one of the most enjoyable. You always have a
goal, since the top score is proudly displayed in red above the lane you are
about to play in. Of course, sometimes there are some crazy high scores that
were created by cheaters walking up the ramp or standing to the side and just
placing the balls in the 100 over and over again. I hate those people, and I’m
pretty sure there is a special place in Hell for them.
Another change machine is between the Skeeball lanes and the
prize counter. The physical games like Skeeball, basketball, and sometimes
football, award you with little red prize tickets. These tickets can be
exchanged for the cheapest of the cheap toys like rings that look like spiders,
an egg of slime, paper Chinese finger cuffs, kazoos, rubber bouncy balls, or
candy like Warheads and Dots. On the wall behind the counter are huge stuff
animals, video games, stereos, and other big ticket items displayed, that are
there to encourage you to keep playing and save up your tickets. Of course,
you’ll spend triple the money playing Skeeball to get a Super Nintendo than to
just buy one outright. Still, we all glare up with stars in our eyes for a few
seconds, before the urge for instant gratification kicks in and we exchanged
our forty-five tickets for a rainbow bouncy ball and a stale white mystery flavored
Right next to the prize stand is the main change/token
machine area. This part of the wall is closest to the outside of the mall and
contains six different machines to exchange your dollars for little metal
tickets to video game paradise. There are so many machines to accommodate
anyone new coming into the arcade and to also to provide backups in case the
bright orange “Out of Change” light of doom is lit up.
So, where were the good games you ask? Well… those games
like Street Fighter II, Terminator 2, NBA
Jam, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, NFL Blitz, The Simpsons, along with the
driving games like Outrun, Cruising USA, and Daytona USA are all set up in little circular pods across the
center of the room. They are laid out this way to allow more room to play the
bigger games like Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles: Turtles in Time, After Burner, and Lethal Enforcers, and to also provide room to watch. The popular
games are always surrounded with a mob of people. Everyone will be jockeying
their way to the front in an attempt to slap their quarter down to claim the
next game. You can’t do that when the games are packed like sardines against
the wall like the “second tier” section or where the classics are against the
back wall.
These center pods are always the busiest. If you enter the
arcade in a lull, you might see the classics, Skeeball, pinball, or the “second
tier” empty, but you’ll never see the middle empty. Some games like Street Fighter II have people battling
from the opening of the large metal grate at 11 AM till the closing of it at 9 PM.
Unless you came on one of those very sad days, when the machines are out of
order, it always has someone in front of it hammering out Hadouken after Hadouken.
This concludes our little tour of the mall arcade. Before
you go, let me tell you about some of my favorite games.
I’m not any good at Street
Fighter II. I can hold my own playing as E. Honda against the computer, but
once you put me against a real life competitor, I’m done for. Mortal Kombat is my fighting game of
choice. It appeals to me like most ten year olds, due to the violence and blood
that you see on the screen. It truly is the most brutal game you’ll find the in
the arcade or anywhere else for that matter.
The NBA is great right now, and so is NBA Jam. The game features disproportioned basketball players (and
sometimes politicians and celebrities) facing off in a two-on-two battle with
no rules, flaming basketball nets, and alley-oops from the top of the arena. If
that wasn’t fun enough, the announcer makes comments throughout the game like,
“Is it the shoes?” “Boooomshaklaka” and “Jams it in!”
Konami has mastered the four player arcade experience with
the obvious choice for a four person co-op game in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time. They also took that
game engine and created the fantastic X-Men
game which is the only place in the world that Cyclops is ever superior to
Wolverine. Cyclops' ability to shoot enemies across the map with his visor is
way better than Wolverine’s close combat fighting style.
Konami also used that same game engine and created an
unlikely hit with The Simpsons. Some
genius thought it was a good idea to have Homer, Lisa, Bart, and Marge fight
their way across levels and surprisingly it works, and works well! Like the X-Men game, the best character to play
as in The Simpsons is not whom you’d
expect, it’s Marge. Marge rocks a big vacuum cleaner she uses to clean up the
enemies. Pun totally intended.
Crusin’ USA uses real life models to portray the girls waving the start and finish flag for each race. For us prepubescent boys, this alone is worthy of a few quarters. But Cruisin’ USA’s most unique feature is the ability to change the radio and pick the style of music you want to race with. I always go with the cheesy country/western station.
I can’t tell you what game is best, because it’s different
for everybody. That dusty machine that nobody plays in the corner might be the
game that brings you the most joy. At least while here at the arcade, if
someone sees you playing that old dusty machine, and they like it too, they’ll
probably come over and watch you play or challenge you. It’s an awesome feeling
to get this face-to-face connection and is something that won’t exist in just a
few short years.
So, take a look around.
Listen closely to the organized chaos that is the sound of
an arcade.
Watch the flashing lights, the smiling faces, and the looks of
determination, while you hear the laughter that fills the room.
Watch someone try a new game and fail horribly within
seconds. Watch a young boy sling his first Skeeball up the ramp, and look at
his face when the tickets start coming out.
Go hover near the pinball machines, and watch the pinball
wizards at work. Just be sure to not get too close and tilt the table by
One day, you’ll be older and you’ll walk by this space in
this very same mall.
Gone will be the bright neon “Arcade” light.
Gone will be the change machines, prize counter, and games.
There will be no more laughter, smiling faces, nor looks
In fact, there will be no evidence that an arcade ever existed.

shakin steak Posted on Aug 27, 2015 at 04:36 PM
soundtrack for this article: http://arcade.hofle.com/
Vaporman87 Posted on Aug 11, 2015 at 07:31 PM
Woah! Those are perfect Dobesov. Nice find.
Dobesov Posted on Aug 11, 2015 at 06:20 PM
You can still re-live the magic of the arcade through your floor!
Vaporman87 Posted on Aug 09, 2015 at 06:36 AM
I'm going to throw my hat into the ring for the change machines. Then at least the quarters were still legal tender. :)
massreality Posted on Aug 08, 2015 at 08:24 PM
kstrom22: I totally forgot to write about the carpet. Man did they have some strange patterns.
I personally preferred token machines. I thought they were much cooler and it was more special than a regular old quarter. Of course, as I got older, I realized how much money I lost using token machines. Sometimes I'd walk out with a few extras in my pocket and despite my best interests, I never brought them back with me. I think they usually ended up in a change jar and were only found whenever I'd go use the Coinstar.
kstrom22 Posted on Aug 08, 2015 at 05:58 AM
I love this article, and I love the (remaining) true and old arcades. The one nearest my house has what I can only describe as an SNES store demo. You can play either Super Mario World, The Addams Family, or F-Zero. It's killer.
It seems like all Arcades have that same "dizzy patterned carpet," why do you think that is?
Here's a possibly controversial question, which are better, token-exchange machines, or quarter change-maker machines? My brother and I were always on different sides of the debate...
massreality Posted on Aug 07, 2015 at 06:37 PM
Thanks everybody.
echindna64: I originally had a huge write up on Area 51, since it was my favorite arcade game. However, it came out a few years after the time period of this article, and I actually never played Area 51 in an arcade. Only in movie theaters. It was such a great game, I even bought it on PC.
OldSchool80s Posted on Aug 07, 2015 at 06:20 PM
Enjoyed reading this. Nice work! Have some awesome 80s memories of going to the arcade and Showbiz Pizza. I also remember the tabletop Ms. Pac-Man at Pizza Hut, but never realized that was a universal thing.
Vaporman87 Posted on Aug 07, 2015 at 03:34 PM
@echidna: There are still some arcades out there that have stuck to the classic business model, but they are few and far between and typically located in the heart of giant metropolitan areas. Which is exactly the opposite of where I live. LOL.
echidna64 Posted on Aug 07, 2015 at 03:29 PM
Way to go Mass! This was a great read and I love the individual details you gave with each arcade game. This def takes me back, the Simpson's game and other 4-players games were epic!
Area-51 is probably the only arcade game that I beat in its entirety. It was the right balance of fun vs difficult. I tried to stay away from the games that were coin-crunchers.
Nowadays, the closest thing we have to the original mall arcades is Dave and Busters
Vaporman87 Posted on Aug 07, 2015 at 03:05 PM
You've really brought back to mind all the wonderful things we miss about an arcade in the 80's and 90's in great and loving detail.
It's funny how, in a time before the internet and worldwide connectivity, your experience in one arcade will be the same in so many ways in another hundreds of miles away. Like the routine of plopping down your quarter for "next". Such things transcended distance and social environment differences. And, each felt like it's own little "club". As though there was a camaraderie that was implied any time you crossed the threshold onto that gaudy carpeted floor.
Many places that house arcades now are simply dens of rip-offery. Insert a dollar to play a game that is rigged to prevent you from winning that Nintendo DS calling out to you from behind the glass.
In Gatlinburg, Tennessee I saw a glimmer of hope. An arcade with a machine that combined the greatness of the past with the redemption craze of today. A giant Pac Man game that played like the classic, but was recrafted to make the goal winning as many tickets as you could. The more points, the more tickets. If they could do this with several hundred more classic titles, an whole new arcade concept could be invented. But so far that is the only title I've seen to incorporate that idea.
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