When President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 I was 6 years old. It became obvious as time passed that many of the adults around me were forever scarred by that tragic event. I was simply too young to have been touched by the death of a U.S. President.

To be effected by outside events you have to live a little. Your inner-self has to experience the world around you. That could be the magic ingredient in the ITV "UP" film series.

In 1964 a group of seven year old children in Great Britain were interviewed about their hopes,dreams, observations and expectations. Any show where children are asked questions and can answer freely sparks great interest. I've said for years that adults don't listen to kids enough!

Well the creators of "UP" were encouraged to interview the children again when they were older, and thus began one of the longest, continuous film series as the children were interviewed every seven years, from 1964 to the most recent installment in 2019.