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eh i get the feeling that compared to RJ, the requirement of keeping expletive words to a minimum here may have scared him away, he used to swear like a sailor in those forums and had no shame in it, and i think the fact that users like riphard and debrisstorm would rely on trolling just added more fuel to the fire, he's no different on facebook unfortunately.

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:

so i thought this would be the most appropriate thread to post this, but within the past few days i had RetroSnob88 in a facebook group that i'm an admin of that focuses on saturday morning cartoons of old. basically whenever i shared a show that wasn't memorable to her she would have some rather harsh opinions about it to the point of going on a tangeant about it, and when she wasn't doing that every post she made was guaranteed to have some profanity here and there.

because the group is PG (we've had users introducing their children to the shows that have been shared to the page) he had to get removed from the group. but the situation got worse from there. RetroSnob proceeded to throw some insults, then went to some of my friends insisting they unfriend me. one of my friends sided with me, only for her to take a jab at my friend's cosplay and laughing at it with her sister. i've been called an elitist a**hole and an ableist a**hole after her removal, but after her little stunt in contacting my friends i had to block her from there among some other sites as well.

this isn't meant to be a post where i just point fingers, it's the real deal that she's a troublemaker and needs to be removed from the site after what's happened.

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:

Oh wow, this person really seems to have issues. Anybody that resorts to targeting other people like that to the point where she would contact other people's Facebook profiles just to unfriend him is pure harassment. If there's anything that breaks my number one rule about what a person can do, it's this.

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she was formerly atariman76 on retrojunk

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:
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