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Forum » Chew The Fat » Hollywood to remake Big Trouble in Little Chi... OH FOR PETE'S SAKE!!!
Fuzz wrote :

Here's an idea. How about casting Peter Dinklage as Jack Burton, and have the movie actually take place in China? They could call it Little Trouble in Big China. That I would go see.
-end quote
As would I.
Quote Disable Sigs
You love this signature.
Mr Magic
Something else John Carpenter remade that could get remade again.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

shakin steak
thecrow174 wrote :

They haven't remade:

Escape from New York/L.A
-end quote

thecrow174 wrote :

The film Christine, much like the car, shouldn't be messed with.
-end quote

thecrow174 wrote :

Something else John Carpenter remade that could get remade again.
-end quote
Are you just trying to give them ideas, or what?
Quote Disable Sigs
Mr Magic
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

Mr Magic Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

thecrow174 wrote :

Even John Carpenter himself doesn't want this.
-end quote
He didn't say he didn't want it. At least according to that article. Instead, he says he has no opinion on there being a remake, and that his involvement with a remake is dependent on how much he gets paid to be involved. You have to love John Carpenter. 
Quote Disable Sigs
You love this signature.
Mr Magic
Still, he didn't seem too thrilled about it.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."

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