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Forum » Introductions Please! » Hello all
I was Saruman_W from retrojunk. Decided to try this place out since retrojunk is basically a ghost town now. Seems nice so far.

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Wir sprechen zu viel, aber wir sehen zu wenig.
Welcome to the site We don't bite..... Much
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Mr Magic
Welcome to retro paradise!
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"Magic can happen to you."

Hey Linux!

You and fatkid84 come visit in the span of just a few days. Nice.

Welcome and hope you enjoy your stay.
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You love this signature.
Man, how did I miss this? Haha you've been posting here all along and I never knew it was you. Welcome!
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Linux_Sage wrote :

I was Saruman_W from retrojunk. Decided to try this place out since retrojunk is basically a ghost town now. Seems nice so far.
-end quote
Hey Saruman_W! 
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Hi... welcome to my forum. Beware of Wallmasters.
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Mr Magic
Hello again, Linux/Saruman.
Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."