Forum » Suggestion Box » Outside The Box Idea
Recently raptor9873 sent me a suggestion for a site idea that, I have to say, intrigued me.

Essentially, there would be a "user movie night". This a would be a weekly airing, live on the site, of a classic retro movie.

In thinking about this, my mind began to expand on this idea. It could require an entrance fee (a low one, say 10 user points or something like that. Then, at the end of the movie , a random drawing for the "pot" would be held. Just an idea.

Also, I think that creating a page with a theater atmosphere would be neat. Perhaps play a random selection of submitted advertisements during "intermissions".

And lastly, there would need to be a shout box for users to chat while watching the movie.

What are your thoughts on this?

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Mr Magic
I would very much like to see this idea come to life!
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"Magic can happen to you."

sounds interesting. and with points involved it'll encourage the members to write articles!
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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
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Glad you like the idea. Vaporman has added some neat stuff though, which really makes me think it could work.
Quote Disable Sigs
insert Chuck Norris meme here
shakin steak
Awesome idea! Not sure how often I could participate given site schedule with my other stuff going on irl, but I would try and it sounds very good. All the features mentioned sound great!
Quote Disable Sigs
Not to rain on the parade, but how would you get around the issue of copyright infringement involved with giving a "public showing" of a movie? Or would you be showing movies that are in the public domain?
Quote Disable Sigs
Yeah, it's an unfortunate thing. No "public showings", and this is just what that would be. Bummer.
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There may be a way around the copyright infringement issue. I'll check on some things.
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shakin steak
youtube has a lot of free movies. What if you could get the same license for those?

Or, simply schedule something for R-D members to all watch a given movie on youtube at the same time (less attractive, I know, but simple to do)

Ghostbusters isn't showing up there any time soon, but there's The Fifth Element, Night of the Living Dead, Stir Crazy, plenty of Godzilla, and quite a few other "retro" flicks.
Quote Disable Sigs
Indeed. Actually, I had been giving some thought to "retro" B-movies, public domain, and providing some MST3K style commentary in the form of two illustrated characters that are in attendance with the users. Occasionally providing their input through word balloons. And, users could also provide their own thoughts in the form of chat/shoutbox discussions and emoticons for their "theater avatar". Something to think about.

There are a vast array of terrible 60's 70's and 80's films on that are free to download (and therefore stream from here) that are ripe for riffing. lol
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I was just thinking about how neat it is to see this thread and now the actual project is here. Not yet operational, but it's here. It's a great feeling.
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