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never be
Goodnight, Summer


My Favorite Summer


Forum » Chew The Fat » We lost two pro wrestling figures this week.
Mr Magic

Ole Anderson of the Four Horsemen and Virgil, who was "Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase's bodyguard. He was also a member of this NWO under the nane Vincent.


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"Magic can happen to you."


Ole Anderson was a man of strong opinions and he stood up for himself and other wrestlers, earning him a reputation as "someone you want on your side", a reputation that was known outside of Georgia Championship Wrestling.

Even in the world of wrestling timing is everything and Ole's friendship with Jim Crockett and Ted Turner gave the sport a huge presence when Turner's SuperstationWTBS-Atlanta aired Pro Wrestling on Saturday Mornings in 1984, causing a wave of new cable subscribers and turning wrestlers into superheroes!

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Mr Magic

I was just watching some Ole's classic stuff on Peacock a few months ago. Sad that he passed on.

Here's Dibiase's reaction to Virgil's death.

Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."