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Forum » Chew The Fat » R.I.P Patricia Alice Albrecht, Pizzazz From Jem and Retro-Daze 5th Anniversary Special Guest Star
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Patricia Alice Albrecht died on Christmas Day. She was the speaking voice of Pizzazz on the cult classic cartoon Jem, had supporting roles in movies like Midnight Madness and Force: Five, and was not only a former interview subject of mine, but a friend I would regularly exchange texts with.

I contacted Patricia to ask if she could make a video for the Retro-Daze 5th Anniversary Special, and she agreed. It was an honor to know her, and to help connect her with Retro-Daze, if only once.

The obituary from ComicBook: 

My 2016 interview with Patricia for Pop Geeks:



Aww. That stinks. What a kind lady she was to the fans.

Quote Disable Sigs
You love this signature.
Mr Magic

Christmas is a terrible time to die.

Quote Disable Sigs
"Magic can happen to you."