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Forum » Take Heed! - Announcements » TRN Essay Contest

TRN Essay Contest

The Retro Network is currently running an article contest that could win you a prize pack! You can check out the details by clicking above.

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i did have one last childhood related article i've had sitting in drafts, about how living on the autism spectrum affected my time at school, home and with family and friends. i'm not sure if it'd be enough to qualify, but it's a subject i've never felt the courage to follow up on before.

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:

Oh hey, Mickey Yarber. Long time no see.

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The women of New Vegas ask me a lot if there's a Mrs. New Vegas. Well, of course there is! You're her. And you're still just as perfect as the day we met.

Hmmm, I'll have to throw my hat into this. 

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Hey folks....thanks Tony for sharing the link here.  We would absolutely love to have everyone here submit an entry.  I certainly know what everyone is capable of from the many great articles here at Retro-Daze, and the competition in Tony's article contests has always been steep.

IF you've got something you've been working on, or just a fresh piece in general, we would love to have your submissions.

@jkatz....yeah, I need to get by here more often.  Life is hectic since we started TRN, but I'll start making more time for RD.

@benjanime - that would certainly make for a great piece to read I'm sure.  I've always found it fascinating hearing how folks overcome certain obstacles.

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Looking forward to the stories that may come from all the great guys and gals here at Retro-Daze!

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so where are the results?  we're almost halfway through november and we haven't gotten any updates.

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Nintendo Network ID: Benjamillion
PSN account ID: benjanime
YouTube channel:

I know they announced the winner on the podcast. Not sure if it was announced elsewhere.

Benjanime wrote :

so where are the results?  we're almost halfway through november and we haven't gotten any updates.

-end quote


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You love this signature.

Vaporman87 wrote :


I know they announced the winner on the podcast. Not sure if it was announced elsewhere.

Benjanime wrote :


so where are the results?  we're almost halfway through november and we haven't gotten any updates.

-end quote



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