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Forum » Chew The Fat » Bitcoin

Any one here familiar with Bitcoin? I'm really fascinated by the concept and am considering investing in it.

vkimo wrote :

Any one here familiar with Bitcoin? I'm really fascinated by the concept and am considering investing in it.

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All I know is it is very volatile. Huge ups and downs. I'd be wary of it, unless you're just investing small amounts for the fun of it.
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Rick Ace Rhodes
I've followed it on and off since high school. I think it's an interesting concept but not without flaws. If you do invest in it, start out small and go from there.
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It's basically crypocurrency. A type of money that is decentralized and difficult to track. It's usually favored by people who want their transactions to remain under the radar. That's one of the reasons, I think, it's becoming popular. 
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  • By
  • At 11:11 On 14 July 2021
  • 1 Posts
  • Where's The Beef?

If you're serious about trading or investing, I recommend using the best crypto portfolio tracker because it includes all of the tools you'll need for a thorough analysis of each of your assets, as well as reliable security that reduces the risk of your assets falling into the wrong hands and protects your work.

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Crypto is high risk, high reward same with meme stocks. I don't know if bitcoins moment in the sun is over or not. It's gotten flak for environmental concerns and there are dozens of crypto competitors. 

Alternatively, you can invest in stocks that grow 100 percent or more and at the end of the day they are still worth something. You might not get rich overnight but you can make more money than you would from lousy bank interest. 

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Rick Ace Rhodes

I feel with the instability over the last few years that people need to start relying on something outside of fiat currency. The problem is that I don't know if crypto is the alternative needed. It is highly volatile in it's own right and has no end in sight of eventually stabilizing.

I don't care if Bitcoin one day breaks $10 million. This video will never stop being funny to me.

echidna64 wrote :

Crypto is high risk, high reward same with meme stocks. I don't know if bitcoins moment in the sun is over or not. It's gotten flak for environmental concerns and there are dozens of crypto competitors. 

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aside from the bot that bumped this post.... i hate how crypto/bitcoins have to be shoved in my face with ads no matter which social media platform i'm on. i don't care about it, never will. it's like the american dollar will just eventually phase out of existence because of it.

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Necrobumped by bots it seems

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