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Forum » Classifieds » Missing Marvel Toy Line?
Rick Ace Rhodes
Does anyone else remember a Marvel toy line that was out sometime between the late 90's and early part of the 2000's? I've been searching for years for this toy line and I've never been able to find any information on it. They were deluxe figures around 10 inches tall. I remember they had a whole bunch of Marvel characters.

The ones I remember specifically was a "Man-Spider" toy and a Spider-Man toy that was actually blue instead of red. Even typing in "Blue Spider-Man Toy" into google gets me nowhere.

Does anyone else remember this line?

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Were they Mego style figures? Like the Classic Covers:

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Rick Ace Rhodes
I remember the outside of the box looking something like this:

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Rick Ace Rhodes
Well... I think I found that one blue Spider-Man toy. I have no idea what line it's from, just that Toy Biz seemed to be producing a lot of different figures around that time period.

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That line is just what it says... "Marvel Universe". And then there were a bunch of different subseries of that line. I had an Iron Man from that line that was Marvel Universe: Steel Warriors or something like that. And then I had Ghost Rider and Vengeance as well.
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Rick Ace Rhodes
There seemed to be so many subseries in this line. That Heroes and Legends series, Mutations as well. No wonder why I couldn't find it for so long.
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