Forum » Take Heed! - Announcements » Update Package 3
Just a few small but helpful changes that are on their way.

1. Re-arrangement of thread order: This update will arrange the order of threads to a more traditional order. So threads will show up in the order in which they have received posts, with the most recently posted in thread at the top of each category.

2. Comment Indicator on articles: This would add the same comment indicator that is on the video thumbnail images to the article thumbnail images.

3. Fix Favorited Articles listing on Profile page: This would keep the list of articles you have favorited from expanding beyond the Profile area border by only showing the eight most recent articles you have favorited.

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Got the quote on this package and the friendly folks at Exia will be starting work on it shortly. Just thought I let you guys know.
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Some work is being done in the forum, so things may seem a bit disorganized at the moment.
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I had really hoped that the forum would be "reorganized and finished" by today, but that didn't happen. [sigh]. So, bear with it another day.
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Well, here it is the 31st of January, and the thread/forum reorganization is still in limbo. I just can't win for losing when it comes to updating this site. If only I had knowledge of programming/development/code. I hate relying on other peoples' schedules and timelines. Frustation is mounting.
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