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Displaying 801-810 of 48968 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
49747Spring 2023<p>I noticed our McDonald&#39;s brought back the Shamrock Shake for a limited time, weeks after St. Patrick&#39;s Day ended. Must&#39;ve made too much of the stuff. Vaporman87Apr 05, 2023View
49746The Future ain't Free<p>Ahhh okay. I gotcha.&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Apr 04, 2023View
49745Last Movie You Watched<p>I rewatched Club Dread the other night. Hadn&#39;t seen it since high school so I didn&#39;t remember much, including who the killer is. I like how it feels like a sleazy 80s comedy made in the 00s.</p> MamboGatorApr 04, 2023View
49744The Future ain't Free<p>@Vaporman, basically think of Star Trek where scarcity is no longer an issue. Humans have their needs met and can focus on other pursuits of betterment because they don&#39;t need to worry about affording food and shelter and currency is no longer necessary. I don&#39;t think such a world is anywhere close to happening, but it&#39;s one utopia scifi likes to aim for.&nbsp;</p> MamboGatorApr 04, 2023View
49743Celebrity Encounters<p><span style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">@Vapor</span></p> <p><span style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Yep, Tommy smuggled all that Amico preorder money to fly to Chile to set up a concert. Absolute chode and I can&#39;t believe I looked up to him.</span></p> BenjanimeApr 03, 2023View
49742The Future ain't Free<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>What is a post capitalist society? Sounds like some 1984 kinda place.</p> Vaporman87Apr 03, 2023View
49741Celebrity Encounters<p>So it would seem. I&#39;m out the money for four pre-orders I guess.</p> Vaporman87Apr 03, 2023View
49740Last Movie You Watched<p>Finished watching Tetris. Really good film. Very entertaining and a nice look inside some of the goings on with the Tetris licensing, the people behind it, and the crazy tactics.</p> Vaporman87Apr 03, 2023View
49739Nintendo 3DS and WiiU eShops closing soon<p>@Benjanime, true. I haven&#39;t had much success emulating any disc-based consoles though. I got some Sega CD games working on my AtGames arcade cabinet, but even trying to mod a PS1 mini to run retroarch ended up not working. The games worked for a while but then it stopped booting from the USB and defaulted back to the preinstalled games for some reason.</p> <p>Compared to cartridge ROMs, it&#39;s a lot harder. For me at least, but I&#39;m certainly not the smartest cookie in the shed.&nbsp;</p> MamboGatorApr 03, 2023View
49738The Future ain't Free<p>Our priorities when it comes to urban design have definitely shifted to the cheap side, but look at all of the intricate architecture from previous eras.</p> <p>It&#39;s possible we might shift back to something like that in the future, especially if we ever reach a post-capitalist society. Or we might end up going even cheaper until everything is made of cardboard and scotch tape. :P</p> MamboGatorApr 03, 2023View