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Displaying 7011-7020 of 48985 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
43283The Café<div>30 years ago today, UHF released in theaters.</div><div><br></div><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"></iframe>BenjanimeJul 20, 2019View
43282Hey, hey! I'm back hoo-mans!<blockquote rel="RetroSnob88"><b>RetroSnob88 wrote :</b><br><i> <p>Well, after I got blocked (I won't go into details about it), I disappeared to Fascistbook for a few years but still kept contact with a few RJers (Or Retro Dazers I guess would be the correct term now? Correct me if I'm wrong, it's been ages) over the years. Eventually I started discovering myself more outside the internets, grew standards that turn a lot of people off and became more and more picky as far as old school retro stuff goes (especially thinking back to the checkered but interesting childhood I had and what I grew up with then) as well as using that snobbery (as well as my deranged sense of humour) as my coping tool through life, and well, here I am a decade later. Sorry about the sailor talk, I had no idea it's now not really acceptable (but then I've been gone from the website for like 8 years and I'm sure a lot has changed since then)</p> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Sounds like it's been quite the adventure for you this past decade. It's always nice to see another RJer make the pilgrimage to this site. As time passes, you don't know what ever became of some folks. Hopefully we can help you by becoming another tool in your coping toolbox. :)&nbsp;<br><blockquote rel="eddstarr"><b>eddstarr wrote :</b><i><div>Right now I'm trying to get my friend Gary over at "", to switch to decaf.</div> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>:lol: Gary may need a patch of some kind.Vaporman87Jul 19, 2019View
43281WTB: Nintendo games, etc.<blockquote rel="shakin steak"><b>shakin steak wrote :</b><i><div>If you remember, did you buy any of these separate?<br></div><div><br></div><div>Elevator Action</div><div>Excitebike</div><div>Gumshoe</div><div>Gyromite</div><div>Iron Tank</div><div>Millipede<br>Rush 'n' Attack</div><div>Tetris</div><div>Tennis</div><div><br></div><div>Some of those are very common so I'm sure you got them in lots.&nbsp;</div> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I'm thinking that Gyromite and Rush 'N' Attack were pretty common in some of the lots I saw. I probably have them, but would have to check.Vaporman87Jul 19, 2019View
43280Hey, hey! I'm back hoo-mans!Awesome to meetup with you again!&nbsp;<div>Maybe if I live long enough the whole "RJ" gang will reassemble here.</div><div><br></div><div>I've been drowning in my job at the Wa Dept of Education during the week and trying to do damage control at some fansites over the disappointments with Star Trek, Star Wars, GoT, Doctor Who, (henceforth to be known as Doctor "Who Cares") - you get the picture.</div><div><br></div><div>Right now I'm trying to get my friend Gary over at "", to switch to decaf.</div>eddstarrJul 19, 2019View
43279Journey to the Moon - 1955That's the real magic behind Walt Disney. He loved being around "idea" people from all walks of life. Disney could chat with artists, scientists, military brass, politicians and children; integrating what he learned into visible proposals. The perfect "pitchman" for planning moon landings and selling the idea to the public.<div><br></div><div>Some of my favorite authors have mentioned that the sci-fi sweet-spot was the early 20th century where magazines like, "Cosmopolitan", would run series exploring the moon and nearby planets.</div><div><br></div> <img src=""><div><br></div><div>This artwork is called, "The Things That Live On Mars", by William R. Leigh in 1908.&nbsp;</div>eddstarrJul 19, 2019View
43277Hey, hey! I'm back hoo-mans!<p>Well, after I got blocked (I won't go into details about it), I disappeared to Fascistbook for a few years but still kept contact with a few RJers (Or Retro Dazers I guess would be the correct term now? Correct me if I'm wrong, it's been ages) over the years. Eventually I started discovering myself more outside the internets, grew standards that turn a lot of people off and became more and more picky as far as old school retro stuff goes (especially thinking back to the checkered but interesting childhood I had and what I grew up with then) as well as using that snobbery (as well as my deranged sense of humour) as my coping tool through life, and well, here I am a decade later. Sorry about the sailor talk, I had no idea it's now not really acceptable (but then I've been gone from the website for like 8 years and I'm sure a lot has changed since then)</p>RetroSnob88Jul 19, 2019View
43276WTB: Nintendo games, etc.Holy necrobump, Batman! lol <br><br><br><blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> <p>Yeah, I did the same thing for the Points Store, but had to buy the “good” games individually because they would NEVER be packed in to a lot</p> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote><div>I got some good games from the store. None of the big titles (Mario, Zelda, Megaman) but I like them. <br></div><div>If you remember, did you buy any of these separate?<br></div><div><br></div><div>Elevator Action</div><div>Excitebike</div><div>Gumshoe</div><div>Gyromite</div><div>Iron Tank</div><div>Millipede<br>Rush 'n' Attack</div><div>Tetris</div><div>Tennis</div><div><br></div><div>Some of those are very common so I'm sure you got them in lots. <br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div>shakin steakJul 19, 2019View
43275Hey, hey! I'm back hoo-mans!Wow.<div><br></div><div>Well, first let me welcome you. We love any and all enthusiasts of yesteryear!&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Second, let me just tinker with your entire post... :lol:&nbsp; &nbsp;...done.</div><div><br></div><div>So, while I and pretty much everyone else here are no stranger to colorful language, we do our best to avoid it if possible because, well, I in particular have children who like to see what's happening on their daddy's website so... I would prefer they not learn anything beyond their current favorite words... poop, crap, diarrhea, etc.&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><img src=""><div><br></div><div>Anyhow, where have you been all this time?</div>Vaporman87Jul 19, 2019View
43274Hey, hey! I'm back hoo-mans!i wasn't expecting a colorful vocabulary of an introduction, but welcome.BenjanimeJul 19, 2019View
43273Hey, hey! I'm back hoo-mans!Oh boy, you sound like a real party.jkatzJul 19, 2019View