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Displaying 6011-6020 of 49024 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
44452Rush (Progressive Rock band from back in the 1970's to the late 2010's)<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Guess I&#39;ll go first then. I am sooooooooooooo a huge fan of Rush. I have been since I was 15 and intend on doing so until I die. To me, they were the greatest band in the history of forever.&nbsp;</p> <p>As for albums, hands down, my 3 most favourites are Counterparts (Copyright&nbsp;1993, Anthem Records in association with Atlantic Records), A Farewell to Kings (Copyright 1977, Anthem Records in association with Mercury Records), and the misunderstood but still fantabulous Caress of Steel (Copyright 1975, Anthem Records in association with Mercury Records).&nbsp;</p> <p>And then there&#39;s their songs. I love Something For Nothing from 2112 (copyright 1976, Anthem Records in association with Mercury Records), Xanadu from A Farewell to Kings (Copyright 1977, Anthem Records in association with Mercury Records), Circumstances from Hemispheres (Copyright 1978, Anthem Records in association with Mercury Records), The Fountain of Lamneth from Caress of Steel (Copyright 1975, Anthem Records in association with Mercury Records), Double Agent and Nobody&#39;s Hero from Counterparts (Copyright 1993, Anthem Records in association with Atlantic Records), The Stars Look Down from Vapor Trails (Copyright&nbsp;2002, Anthem Records in association with Atlantic Records), Red Barchetta from Moving Pictures (Copyright 1981, Anthem Records in association with Mercury Records) and The Body Electric from Grace Under Pressure (Copyright 1983, Anthem Records in association with Mercury Records). And this is just to name several songs I enjoy by them.</p> <p>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p><strong><em>~Photo courtesy of Tumblr</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>All copyrights acknowledged where necessary</em></strong></p> RetroSnob88Nov 29, 2019View
44451Italo Disco: The Other Lesser Known Genre (Well, one of them anyway)<div data-oembed-url=""> <div style="margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; margin-top:0px; max-width:320px"><!-- You're using demo endpoint of Iframely API commercially. Max-width is limited to 320px. Please get your own API key at --> <div style="height:0; left:0; padding-bottom:56.25%; position:relative; width:100%"><iframe allow="encrypted-media; accelerometer; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" src="" style="border: 0; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;" tabindex="-1"></iframe></div> </div> </div> <p>Savage - (I Just) Died In Your Arms (Copyright 1989, originally written and performed by the British Rock band&nbsp;The Cutting Crew in 1986 respectively)&nbsp;</p> <p>*Sighs* Here&#39;s a song that may seem a little more familiar to y&#39;all. Yes this is the same radio hit Rock song (I just) Died In Your Arms y&#39;all get the &#39;Member Berries for. This one is a much more solid cover than the original by the 1980&#39;s British Rock band The Cutting Crew. Listen and find out for yourselves&nbsp;</p> <p>------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p><strong><em>Any and/or all copyrights acknowledged where necessary</em></strong></p> RetroSnob88Nov 29, 2019View
444501971 Cat in the Hat special<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;Did you ever see The Grinch Grinches The Cat in the Hat (Copyright 1983, Marvel Productions)? It was a follow up special from the early 1980&#39;s. It was done by Marvel Productions after Isadore Friz Freleng and David H. Depatie sold their animation studio to Mr Marvel Comics himself years before he was a mainstream pop culture stable (listen to me talk about mainstream like some ironically mainstream lame-o hipster lol) Stan Lee whom was looking to acquire&nbsp;their studio rebranding and eventually folding it as Marvel Productions (the studio was already doing superhero cartoons for Marvel anyway like Spider-Woman and that crummy The New Fantastic Four cartoon with Herbie the Robot in lieu of The Human Torch, so Stan figured why not?). It&#39;s about how The Grinch looks at himself in the mirror only to have his reflection tell him to be mean and nasty. He does this mostly by harassing&nbsp;The Cat in the Hat (whom eventually loses it and no joke, calls The Grinch a psychopath. Best part of the special imo). The special was good for what it was in spite of Karloff and Sherman (the original voices of The Grinch and the Cat in the Hat) being looooooooooooooong since dead by 1983. Alternate titles also included The Grinch Meets the Cat in the Hat, and The Grinch Vs The Cat in the Hat (How appropriate consider the name of the studio that worked on it lol). Anyway, it&#39;s worth a watch. Especially to hear The Cat in the Hat be all like &quot;That Grinch! That... THAT PSYCHOPATHIC GRINCH!!!&quot; I really hope to God Illumination Entertainment (guys what invented Minions (Copyright 2016, Illumination Entertainment) (you know, those yellow capsule looking things that are both creepy and annoying) never remakes the special. Especially since they&#39;re already spitting on the Good Dr&#39;s grave with their lackluster cgi Seuss films</p> <p>---------------------------------------------------</p> <p><strong><em>~All copyrights acknowledged where necessary&nbsp;</em></strong></p> RetroSnob88Nov 29, 2019View
444491971 Cat in the Hat special<p>Fun fact: Did you ever hear an old Comedy song from years ago called Hello Maddah and Faddah Camp Granada? The guy who wrote that song voiced The Cat in the Hat. The guy&#39;s name, Allen Sherman</p> RetroSnob88Nov 29, 2019View
444481971 Cat in the Hat special<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Way better than that poor excuse of a film with Mike Myers we don&#39;t talk about (Dr Seuss was tossing in his grave so badly when that one came out, the executor of his estate withdrew any and all permission for future live action Seuss films. Too bad they didn&#39;t say the same thing about those horrendous cgi films)&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Anyway, I like how in the original special, the talking goldfish dude&nbsp;guy calls the feds on The Cat in the Hat lol</p> RetroSnob88Nov 29, 2019View
44447Your avatar.<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>And now my new avatar is of Ulysses from Ulysses 31 (it was a French Anime from back in the 1980&#39;s. I recently did an article about it as well as some other lesser known shows of yesteryear (before any European Retro Dazers flip me guff, I know Ulysses 31 was popular where you live, but such was not the case here in the United States). If you have yet to see said article, that&#39;s because I&#39;m currently awaiting approval with great anticipation. Hope you enjoy it when you see it</p> RetroSnob88Nov 29, 2019View
44446Thanksgiving Nostalgia & More!<p>&nbsp;</p> <blockquote rel="Vaporman87" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>Vaporman87 wrote :</strong><br /> <em>I love the Macy&#39;s Thanksgiving Day Parade. But it&#39;s very difficult to find a place online that streams it live each year.<br /> <br /> If I can find a live stream, I can hook up the laptop to my tv and watch it that way. This year though, I may go with shakin steak&#39;s suggestion of a mounted antenna with enough power to hopefully haul in the signal. </em><strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p><br /> <span style="font-family:Georgia, Times, Times New Roman, serif"><strong><em>&nbsp;Huh... You&#39;d think with how better technology has gotten in the last decade plus, livestreaming stuff like that would be easier. Apparently, not</em></strong></span></p> RetroSnob88Nov 29, 2019View
44445Thanksgiving Nostalgia & More!<p>It was a lively bunch at our adoptive family&#39;s Thanksgiving gathering again this year. I ate everything I had hoped to so... it was a success.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" height="480" src="" width="640" /><br /> &nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" height="480" src="" width="640" /></p> Vaporman87Nov 29, 2019View
44444Thanksgiving Nostalgia & More!<p>I had a decent Thanksgiving. I had a nice delmonico steak. It was super thick and incredibly tender, almost like cutting into warm butter. I had potatos and a couple biscuits on the side, plus cheesecake for dessert.</p> <p>I unfortunately had to punt my dog across the house when I walked out of the bathroom and saw that he had jumped onto the counter, having gotten into the pumpkin pie.</p> <p>But other than that, a decent Thanksgiving.</p> Rick Ace RhodesNov 29, 2019View
44443Xfinity commercial with E.T. <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <blockquote rel="RetroSnob88" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>RetroSnob88 wrote :</strong> <blockquote rel="RetroSnob88" style="display: inline-block !important;">&nbsp; <p><em><em><strong>RetroSnob88 wrote :</strong></em></em></p> &nbsp; <p><em><em>&nbsp;</em></em></p> <br /> <br /> &nbsp; <blockquote rel="Mr Magic" style="display: inline-block !important;"><em><em><strong>Mr Magic wrote :</strong></em><br /> <br /> &nbsp;</em> <p><em><em><em>BTW, the actor who played the dad was Henry Thomas, who played Elliot in the movie. That makes the ad more special.</em></em></em></p> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <em><em><strong>-end quote</strong></em></em></blockquote> <br /> <br /> &nbsp; <p><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <em><em><span style="font-family:Georgia,Times,Times New Roman,serif"><strong><em>Didn&#39;t he get arrested last month? Because before I shut down my Fascistbook Account, I remember seeing him in some scandal on the news posts</em></strong></span></em></em></p> <br /> <em><em>Just Googled it. Turns out he was arrested for DUI in my home state of Oregon</em></em></blockquote> &nbsp; <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> <blockquote rel="RetroSnob88" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>Speaking of Henry Thomas, I recently saw him in, remember a console called The Mattel Electronics Intellivision? It was a video game console from back in the late 1970&#39;s and early 1980&#39;s. In spite of its awkward phone looking controller, the console was great for its time with such cult classics like Snafu, Astrosmash and Tower of Doom. The console was the first of its kind to use a 16-bit chip (as 16-bit as it would get back then anyway. The new graphics for the time had to start somewhere). Anyway, in one of a bajillion ads starring one George Plimpton (whom was Intellivision&#39;s spokesman. He would often compare the then most recent sports titles to what was on the Atari VCS (later renamed Atari 2600 aka Atari&#39;s only successful console and one of only 3 the original company Atari Inc did. They did two more after Warner liquidated half the company to Commodore Computers founder Jack Tramiel) often saying how better Intellivision&#39;s graphics were. It was pretty much&nbsp;the original Genesis Does What Nintendon&#39;t so to speak), Henry Thomas comes across him in some random neighborhood as George talks to him about the newest games of the time for the console. Harmless commercial for 1982, but it has not aged well. If that commercial were to air today, ot would automatically be deemed stranger danger. How crazy is that, am I right?</strong> <blockquote rel="RetroSnob88" style="display: inline-block !important;"><br /> <br /> &nbsp;</blockquote> </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> RetroSnob88Nov 29, 2019View