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Displaying 5601-5610 of 48983 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
44837The Café<p>i&#39;m not sure if you guys have heard, but toy company boss fight studios has been releasing their own bucky o&#39; hare figures that are far better than the original 1991 toys. you can check out their listing <a href="">here</a>. i might grab one myself next month!</p> <p><img alt="" height="480" src="" width="393" /></p> <p><img alt="" height="435" src="" width="480" /></p> BenjanimeJan 05, 2020View
44836The End of the 2010's<p>I know someone who has their eye on open-door pooping in the &#39;20s. Mmm hmm.</p> <blockquote rel="vkimo" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>vkimo wrote :</strong> <p><em>Like Chidz I got married and co birthed the best damn daughter in the world in the 2010s - we also&nbsp; became home owners, which after living with the inlaws has become like a new lease on life haha, I&#39;ve been able to expand my online business and pee with the door open, so life is looking up haha</em></p> <br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Jan 05, 2020View
44835The End of the 2010's<p>Like Chidz I got married and co birthed the best damn daughter in the world in the 2010s - we also&nbsp; became home owners, which after living with the inlaws has become like a new lease on life haha, I&#39;ve been able to expand my online business and pee with the door open, so life is looking up haha</p> vkimoJan 05, 2020View
44834The End of the 2010's<p>2010-2015 were the best years of my life- living in San Diego, getting married</p> <p>2016-2020 will always be special because of the birth of my daughter but was pretty brutal as my wife and I both finished up studying and getting established in our careers.</p> <p>Hopefully in the 2020&#39;s we will finally be homeowners!</p> echidna64Jan 05, 2020View
44833The End of the 2010's<p>this decade has been a tough one for most of it but the last 3 years have been looking up i finally have income and some ideas to progress and some passion projects i plan on starting and i hope to find time to do some more writing on here and some youtubeing.</p> comic_book_fanJan 04, 2020View
44832The Café<p>I don&#39;t think they anticipated the demand. You just never know what will really take off.</p> Vaporman87Jan 04, 2020View
44831The Café<p>Saw a very intersting photo online today. It&#39;s a sign from Bandai that apologized for the lack of Power Rangers toys. Power Rangers was so popular that toy stores could barely keep any toys in stock, and would often hang this sign up to apologize for the incovenience.</p> <p><img alt="" height="767" src="" width="625" /></p> Rick Ace RhodesJan 04, 2020View
44830The Café<p>Jack Sheldon died late last month.</p> <p>He sang &quot;I&#39;m Just a Bill&quot; and &quot;Conjunction Junction&quot;</p> Mr MagicJan 02, 2020View
44829Valentine's Day<p>Love is so weird. XD</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" width="560"></iframe></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mr MagicJan 02, 2020View
44828Do YOU feel like chicken tonight?<p>I feel like Chicken Tonight&nbsp;</p> <p>Like Chicken Tonight&nbsp;</p> <p>Like Chicken Tonight&nbsp;</p> <p>Chicken Tonight!</p> RetroSnob88Jan 01, 2020View