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Displaying 5111-5120 of 48983 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
45333Spring 2020<p>i&#39;d rather him wait until the end of summer, at least.</p> BenjanimeMar 28, 2020View
45332Spring 2020<p>Trump hopes to re-open the country by Easter. A wise move?</p> Mr MagicMar 28, 2020View
45331Corona Virus<p>gamestop seems to&nbsp;<a href="">really want to go out of their way to keep business going.</a>&nbsp;also employees are banding together on social media and agree with everyone else that this is a bad idea.</p> BenjanimeMar 28, 2020View
45330Corona Virus<p>were a small area we dont have delivery at ours yet but the pizza places are still delivering&nbsp;</p> comic_book_fanMar 28, 2020View
45329Corona Virus<p>Graphically diverse... <span aria-label=" image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1"><img alt="" data-widget="image" src="" /><span style="background-color:rgba(220,220,220,0.5)"><img draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" src="" title="Click and drag to move" width="15" /></span></span><span aria-label=" image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1"><img alt="" data-widget="image" src="" /><span style="background-color:rgba(220,220,220,0.5)"><img draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" src="" title="Click and drag to move" width="15" /></span></span><span aria-label=" image widget" contenteditable="false" role="region" tabindex="-1"><img alt="" data-widget="image" src="" /><span style="background-color:rgba(220,220,220,0.5)"><img draggable="true" height="15" role="presentation" src="" title="Click and drag to move" width="15" /></span></span>&nbsp;what? Vkimo <img alt="" src="" />Oh! <strong>Geo</strong>graphically?&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" /></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>I am considered essential, so I am lucky, or unlucky,&nbsp;enough to still be working on my regular schedule. We have a contingent plan ready in case we lose too many people.&nbsp;</p> <p>Our lifestyle at home already involves keeping food in stock, so we are good there.</p> <p>I am very disappointed that more places have not issued stay in place /&nbsp;lockdown / closure orders yet. The longer we wait, the worse this is going to be. We need it now. Yesterday. Weeks ago. But now, now, now.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> shakin steakMar 28, 2020View
45328Corona Virus<p>Well, Governor Wolf added my county to the Stay At Home order. In a few minutes I won&#39;t be allowed to leave my home unless it&#39;s for food.</p> Rick Ace RhodesMar 27, 2020View
45327That's Just Stupid<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>People have enough to worry about without terrorists!</p> Mr MagicMar 27, 2020View
45326The Nintendo Switch - Your thoughts?<p>Other than getting used? No.&nbsp;</p> <blockquote rel="vkimo" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>vkimo wrote :</strong> <p><em>I&#39;ve been trying to get one, they&#39;re sold out online...unless you want to pay like $200 over retail - Anyone know where to get one decently priced?</em></p> <br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> ThatDudeintheHoodieMar 27, 2020View
45325The Café<p>my stepdad insisted on starting to go out to cut yards for money again but i seriously think he should postpone the idea as long as the coronavirus is still lingering around. i&#39;ve been hearing that there are people who are already contaminated and they don&#39;t even realize it, i mean what if one of his customers has it?</p> BenjanimeMar 27, 2020View
45323The Goldbergs<p>The episode this week was Pee Wee&#39;s Big Adventure themed. A sort of spoiler Pops mistakenly called it &quot;Pee Pee&#39;s Big Excursion&quot;.</p> pikachuloverMar 27, 2020View