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Displaying 5021-5030 of 48983 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
45424Cabin Fever<p>Happy to help, edd.&nbsp;<img alt="" src="" /></p> Mr MagicApr 19, 2020View
45423Corona Virus<p>The Matterhorn</p> <p>Switzerland&#39;s message of hope to the Americans during this crisis.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> Mr MagicApr 19, 2020View
45422"Empire Strikes Back" Cinema Reaction (No seriously)<p>By 1980 I was in Seattle and saw &quot;The Empire Strikes Back&quot; at the Cinerama and I remember the audience reaction was very vocal and very mixed.</p> <p>Star Wars audiences of 1980 was a mix you don&#39;t see much anymore. That 1980 Seattle audience was half people like me, we come from the generation that grew up watching &quot;Captain Midnight&quot; (aka Jett Jackson), &quot;Tom Corbett - Space Cadet&quot; and &quot;Rocky Jones - Space Ranger&quot;.</p> <p>All of these TV shows started as radio dramas from the 1940&#39;s with the result that many storylines follow typical plots found in soap operas: &quot;<em>Luke . . . I am your father!</em>&quot; ie; &quot;<em>Darla . . . I am your adopted sister!</em>&quot;.</p> <p>The Golden Age of sci-fi in my opinion was the 40&#39;s and the 50&#39;s. Many fans of Star Wars grew up with &quot;Flash Gordon&quot; on the movie screen so finding out that Darth Vader was Luke&#39;s father actually made since. It actually explains why Luke, Leia&nbsp;and Han were still alive - dad didn&#39;t have the heart to ax his son and Luke&#39;s friends.</p> <p>What makes &quot;The Empire Strikes Back&quot; so good is that George Lucas <strong>didn&#39;t write it</strong> and he <strong>didn&#39;t&nbsp;direct it</strong>. When it comes to movies George Lucas is, at best. a &quot;C&quot; student. George is part of my generation and &quot;Star Wars&quot; was his tribute to the1935 series, &quot;The Phantom Empire&quot; starring Gene Autry and the Sky Riders from Radio Ranch.</p> <p>All this old stuff was FUN! By the 1970&#39;s nobody was doing fun anymore. A new generation of kids were growing up with serious shows and serious comic books. George wanted to bring back the fun of sci-fi and made his move in the late 70&#39;s and early 80&#39;s.</p> <p>Thus - George Lucas became the luckiest man in Hollywood. But in entertainment, luck rarely repeats itself.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> eddstarrApr 19, 2020View
45421Corona Virus<p>Well, we&#39;re starting to run low on hand soap. That&#39;s the one thing stores around here can&#39;t keep in stock, even worse than the toilet paper shortage.</p> <p>Looks like I&#39;m going to have to start washing my hands with some body soap.</p> Rick Ace RhodesApr 19, 2020View
45420Corona Virus<p>when you can&#39;t go anywhere because of the quarantine so you set up your own store at home</p> <p><img alt="" height="827" src="" width="620" /></p> BenjanimeApr 19, 2020View
45419The Nintendo Switch - Your thoughts?<p>thankfully said mole is nonexistent in the new game :lol:</p> BenjanimeApr 19, 2020View
45418The Nintendo Switch - Your thoughts?<p>I feel like Nintendo does this to create hype sometimes. I have a real hankering to play the new Animal Crossing. I&#39;d play the Gamecube Version but the mole is gonna yell at me since it&#39;s been 15 years since I last watered my tulips.</p> vkimoApr 18, 2020View
45417The Nintendo Switch - Your thoughts?<p>looks like the coronavirus is&nbsp;<a href="">affecting the sales</a>, much like the delay of the PS5 release.</p> BenjanimeApr 17, 2020View
45416The Nintendo Switch - Your thoughts?<p>Why is it so hard to find a Switch? Did they just not manufacture enough?</p> Vaporman87Apr 17, 2020View
45415The Nintendo Switch - Your thoughts?<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <blockquote rel="vkimo" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>vkimo wrote :</strong> <p><em>I&#39;ve been trying to get one, they&#39;re sold out online...unless you want to pay like $200 over retail - Anyone know where to get one decently priced?</em></p> <br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Haha, same.&nbsp;</p> <p>I bought one a year and a half ago. Returned it when I realized I wasn&#39;t going to have a lot of time to play it. And was about to&nbsp;need a lot of money for renovation. That project finally has an end in sight,&nbsp;and everywhere is sold out. Playstation and Xbox and TVs are still available... but no Switch :(&nbsp;</p> <p>It&#39;s not just online, either. I was in Target for cat food last week and they didn&#39;t have any full Switches. There were some Lites, though.</p> shakin steakApr 17, 2020View